Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Agree With No One

To walk alone is to agree with no one. Even when you agree with someone.


Wise can never truly agree with someone. For someone else’s truth can never be his own.


Complete rebellion is pure aggression – without ANY aggression.


The TRUTH is the single most contentious issue in the world.

In the same time – the real truth is not a matter of any dispute. It is not a subject of any doctrine, not a subject of any teachings. If it’s taught – then it’s untrue. If it’s passed down – then it’s untrue.


Complete rebellion is that of the truth – truth which can only be discovered alone – which can be never taken from someone else.


Such rebellion should alienate the entire world, turn the entire world against you.

It doesn’t matter. Alone yesterday, alone tomorrow.


Such rebellion is pure aggression — aggression of the entire world rising to defend it’s puny beliefs – like their life depended on it (it does only not).


…it is not really aggression.

To not go with anyone, or against anyone – this is the greatest rebellion.


Walk alone, in pure rebellion. Be pure rebellion, but no ambition, no aggression.