Lifestyle Philosophy

Always Conclude


Always conclude


You don’t have to finish things

But you must conclude


Nothing’s static everything’s moving

Nothing’s finished everything’s work in progress

Don’t attempt to finish because you can’t

But always conclude


What does it mean to conclude?

It means don’t leave the fucking mess on the floor


What does it mean to conclude?

It means to organize your work up till this point

It means to recapitulate it’s outcomes

It means to take a minute to reflect

Take a good look at it

Be with it


Nothing is ever finished

But it must not be abandoned

Not left unsettled

That is just incompetence

We are incompetent and scattered

It’s a bad habit


If you can’t even take a moment to conclude your work

You shouldn’t have done it in the first place

You ought to LOVE your work

It’s only natural to want to celebrate it

To conclude it


It’s incompetent to not conclude

It betrays incomplete understanding

It betrays disingenuous aims

You can’t half-get from point A to B. You are neither at A nor B

You must conclude whatever it is that you do


Consciousness is the real discipline

When you know what you want — you do it

When you do something — you naturally conclude it

This half-concluding and half-doing betrays half intent and gets you half-somewhere




Don’t leave the money on the table

Cash out what you put in


When you do something — do it completely. Don’t get distracted.


Your unfinished products — conclude them with a minimum viable product. Find some utility in what you’ve done till this point.



When you listen — LISTEN

When you read — READ

else it’s pointless

you hear nothing you learn nothing

hear it out

take it in



when you get tired — take a break

when you get really tired — let it go

first conclude


always review

take a pen and paper and review your work

review your learnings

review your day

take it all in or get it out

just don’t leave it half-there

it should only weight you down and benefit you not

conclude it and let go of it


always conclude

be intelligent

don’t be a half-present half-focused half-doer

do what you do 100%

then conclude it 100%

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