Philosophy World


I do enjoy seeing someone fail.

Does it make me feel better about myself?


But it does teach me what NOT to do.


Failure teaches you more then success does.

Failure is more tangible.

You have far more control over failing the you have over “succeeding”,

Anyone can get lucky. Chances are your idol did get lucky. There are many ways to succeed which are NOT in your control,

But look how EASY it is to fail — if you tried. You could obviously FAIL on purpose:

-could kill yourself

-could burn money

-could get fat

-could get drunk

-could watch TV

All those things are GUARANTEED to hinder your goals.

“All I want to know is where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there” — Charlie Munger

It’s easier to find out what NOT to do then it is to find out what TO do.


Therefore I do enjoy seeing others fail.

I love failing myself — but it’s even better if others fail for me!

Sure — one learns far more by FAILING himself. First hand experience is somehow just all the more compelling.

But you can only fail so many times.

Therefore learn from the mistakes of others.

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” — Otto von Bismack


I do enjoy seeing others fail.

Obviously it’s extremely toxic to gloat over the failures of others.

I make sure I fail ALMOST as much as they do!

I don’t hide my failures. I flaunt them.

And when others fail — I don’t turn my eyes away. I watch them suffer — and know what NOT to do.

I do enjoy seeing others fail but I celebrate my own failures the SAME WAY.

All this is a learning curve.

Love the errors for all they teach you.


I do enjoy seeing others fail.

I DO want the LOSER to fail.

I also want my brother to gain.

I want the loser to fail — because system in which failure and incompetence go unpunished is a system in which we are ALL sharing the burden of this incompetence — while it’s cause is never addressed — but concealed.

But I obviously want my brother to win. Because we are in this together. The game is non zero sum. You invented the wheel — and I’ve been using it ever since. I hope I can reciprocate.


I do enjoy seeing others fail.

I call it ANTI-motivation.

I dislike the culture of motivation.

Dreams and motivations are escapes. If it’s not immediately actionable, if it doesn’t pertain to you CURRENT LIFE, if it doesn’t immediately benefit you — then it’s but a DRUG.

Have some ANTI-motivation instead. Learn what NOT to do.

Then don’t.

Without grandiosity, without pomp, without nonsense.


Have some ANTI-motivation instead. Learn what NOT to do.

Find some REAL people with REAL struggles — not those ridiculous avatars on the internet with their fake pictures and fake cars and fake wisdom. Those are not real people, those are clowns.

Find some real people with real struggles — and learn from them — and struggle with them. If you’re interested in real life then do some real things, and dispense with all the images and illusions.


And humble up!

It’s healthy to focus on small improvements — rather then dwell over either one’s successes or failures.

You are not your failures and not your successes.

You are a simple man seeking to move forward, one step at a time — and enjoy the journey.

Enjoy your failures and EVERYONE ELSE’s and LEARN from them — then move forward — one step at a time.