Lifestyle Philosophy

Anything Is Possible — And It Has Nothing To Do With Your “Dreams”



Not a clue.


Wishful thinking or sceptical – you have no idea.

You sceptics are not really sceptical. You should be sceptical about what you deem impossible. You should be more open to the UNBELIEVABLE POSSIBILITIES.

We all underestimate what is possible.


Dreaming, fantasising, wishful-thinking, — all that is merely a projection of your mind. Which is well-based on what you have know, what you have heard of. Your wildest dream is really quite predictable. And the world is not predictable. It’s infinitely unpredictable.

We underestimate this unpredictability. Our innate bias for security propels us to believe all kind of stupid nonsense. There are no bounds to the fear-based arrogance.

Those believes will always blind us. Anytime you believe something — you are making yourself blind to something else. Blind to counterarguments. Blind to opposition. Blind to alternatives. Until you are completely blind. And completely stupid.


We dream all the time. We dream all the time, which is all nonsense. Dreaming gets you nothing. Dreaming keeps you dreaming. The mind always perpetuates itself, the state it’s in – and it will always keep you dreaming. Wanting doesn’t get you what you want. It keeps you wanting.

Stop dreaming – which is all mouth and no trousers. Dreaming is nothing but talk. Start ACTING instead.

You have no idea what is possible.

And how do you find out?

You TRY.

You take action and LEARN.


I can’t stress it enough.

I can’t stress how many limiting beliefs we have about what is possible.

Almost as many as we have stupid dreams.

And it’s always separated. What we think is possible dictates the little that we do. Us walking the boring, well-trodden path to the same boring, safe, lifeless place. And what we DREAM OF – it forever remains a dream. We never try to make our dreams the reality. That would be the end of dreaming.


What is there is more then fantastic. It is utterly OUT OF THIS WORLD. Literally. The world is the little you came to see in life. Meet the new and you are TRANSCENDING the world.


This is beyond optimism and pessimism. How are you optimistic about something which is utterly unknown? How can you have any attitude towards the unknown? You have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER. No clue what’s in there. No clue.

This is far beyond crude, earthbound utility. How can you know if UNKNOWN is good for you? How can you know it is not your end? You don’t know.

But THIS is the way to live. To explore.

And you shouldn’t worry about the utility. There is nothing to gain and noting to lose in this world. The only thing that truly matters is how ALIVE you are. How in harmony with the entirety of universe. You will have learnt this when the money have disappointed you, the hedonism have disappointing you, the pride and success and ambition have disappointed you — and you are back to the start – alone with yourself, in this world, still.

With that said – let me repeat – you have NO IDEA what’s possible.

Most of you complain a lot, dream a lot – and do NOTHING at all. Nothing new anyway. Your job doesn’t count. Anyone has a job. Your creativity, innovation and courage is what you DO – not the hours you put in. Anyone puts in hours. Surviving is putting in hours.

While this earthly success doesn’t really matter — I am quite certain the unknown holds the most inconceivably precious treasures… far more so then perils. I will go as far as saying that your dreams PALE in comparison to what’s REALLY POSSIBLE… only you will never find out, as long as you keep on dreaming…

Stop this nonsense.

Get out there.

TRY things.

Humble yourself.