Philosophy Spirituality World

Appereances Are Not Really Shallow


Appearances are not really shallow

It’s your perception which is shallow


Your perception is shallow and incomplete

You don’t truly see the person, or the thing

To make things worse — you see your own projections, your own mirages


Your preconception about the person, about the thing, is the very definition of shallow

Everything is unique

You take what seems not unique, what seems universal, and collate it with your image, image in your memory, or an idea

It’s obviously shallow. For it disregards what is unique


Appearance are not shallow

The way something looks is exactly the way it looks

If you can perceive it without bias — you will see the reality


Appearances are not shallow. What is disclosed in mere appearances is plentiful

It’s only when you have preconceived notions of what something is supposed to be based on what seems — it’s then that you lose touch with what is conveyed


If you can see a person without bias you can see that

the person has a certain look on it’s face

has a certain turnout

certain body language

makes you feel a certain way or not

has a certain demeanour

and what you see is what is

until you make it into something which it is not

as when you label

and judge


How someone looks, their appearance — discloses information which is not shallow but meaningful

If you label then you make it shallow

But if you perceive their energy then you are perceiving something meaningful about them


How things seems to be, the appearances — are not shallow. You are dealing with incomplete information and THIS IS the information, information you get to work with.

Draw overconfident conclusions, disregard the cognitive limitations, indulge in epistemic arrogance — and you should lose touch with reality, and you should project images, and you should perceive those images that you yourself projected — and those images are shallow.


But appearances are not shallow

What appears is what appears is what manifests in your mind

If you can look deeply — you should see the reality

Reality of the other person, like you, yet not.

Reality of the situation,

Reality of the world