
You Want To Be Inspired Because You Aren’t Inspired

You want to be inspired because you aren’t inspired.

You want to be motivated because you aren’t motivated.


You always want what you don’t have.

When you have something – you don’t even recognise it.

You only know you have something if you can compare it with NOT having it.

And you are uninspired and unmotivated and you want this to change.


There’s a whole business of inspiring people. There’s a whole business of motivating people. You feed it with your desperation.

You are uninspired and you want to get inspired. Are you getting inspired?

Or are you trying to get inspired?

Can watching someone else eat satisfy your hunger?

Can watching people do inspiring things INSPIRE YOU?



You can only know life from your perspective and that is your reality.

You aren’t going to learn about inspiration from the inspiring people.

You must let the world itself inspire you.

You must ACT upon it. LIVE IT! …not watch it. Watching will not inspire you. ACTING WILL.


Same goes with motivation.

You want to get motivated?


By relying on someone else’s experience?

It’s is not your experience and it will never be. You must make your OWN experiences.

Then you get inspired. By the LIFE YOU’RE LIVING.

Not by some story which is no more real to the mind then a fairytale. You may logically think it is real what you are seeing but your mind will not believe you. Your mind must experience it first.

Thus – don’t hope for anyone else to motivate you.

You motivate you.

Your actions, which is your extension and their RESULTS – that is what motivates you.


Go out LIVE and EXPLORE. Stop watching others and LIVE for yourself. THIS is how you get inspired. This is what gets you going. LIVE!