Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

The Art Of Life-living Is Beyond Proofs

The art of life-living is beyond proofs

I can’t prove to you that how I’m living is right

You can’t get a proof from me that how I’m living is right


The art of life-living is beyond proofs

But you struggle and I struggle

And you want to learn from me and I want to learn from you


You want to learn from me and I want to learn from you

Therefore we talk

I’ve been talking a lot and I will continue to

There’s no proof that what I’m saying is any good

My only proof is that THIS IS HOW I LIVE

And I “couldn’t make this shit up”


I couldn’t make this shit up,

The art of life-living is beyond proofs,

It’s impossible to REPLICATE this experiment: I’m me — you’re you

Once you do what someone told you to do — it’s on you

If it works for you — GOOD for you

If it doesn’t — it’s your fault


If it doesn’t — it’s your fault

Your punishment for your stupid actions are stupid outcomes

And what’s my punishment?

The same as yours

This life-living business is one in which you can’t get rid of your “skin in the game

And the punishment for stupid actions are stupid outcomes

And if how I live is nonsense then my life is nonsense


You know some people “give advice for a living”

They give terrible advice with no accountability

I don’t care

Blind lead the blind, it happens

It’s your fault that you trusted then with your life

And their ignorance is sufficient punishment


Obviously if you give unsound advice on OBJECTIVE matters — you’re just a clown and a fraud

But again: it’s the society which permits such nonsense and shenanigans, in the first place

The tide is slowly changing however, and crooks are being exposed and derided, and quality is, eventually, rewarded under capitalism (both the “economic system” capitalism — as well as the NATURAL capitalism, innate to nature; you can’t bullshit the nature)


…but the art of life-living is beyond proofs

It’s art, after all

Learn from who you can

Thank them for their wisdom, if it’s any good

…but the LIVING you have to do for yourself, yourself

And if you don’t — then you die

Die inside, then outside


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