Entertainment is so fucking boring Fun is so boring Pleasure is boring too Work is not boring Fulfilment is not boring (Real) Challenge is not boring Love is not boring, power is not boring, strength is not boring It even sounds right, what I just wrote, all “philosophy” aside Who would put “fun” …
Author: Janus
Old Age and Wisdom
Some of the highest forms of wisdom is wisdom of that which persists That which persists — it just works That which persists — it has actually proven itself There’s enough brilliant ideas that don’t work And there’s enough brilliant ideas which seem to work — only to fail spectacularly That which actually works, not …
100x Man
Let’s talk about inequality You think it’s unfair that he has 100x what you have You think that system is evil Or that he is evil Or in the best case: that this is just a bug in the system That 10x is maybe sensible, but not 100x The only bug in the system …
SECRET Ruling Elite
POWER is. We seek to explain that which IS Especially if it’s as HOT an issue as POWER Of course only so many things can be explained: -things which are visible -and simple enough to grasp by our limited mental compute POWER is NOT so simple to grasp. It’s simple enough to see …
Nothing has meaning without context. Everything is relative. If everything is dark than nothing is dark. Dark is only dark next to light. Half of what we say is lost before we even said it Because we simply utter it in the wrong context If you talk about dark in utter darkness — …
What Love Doesn’t Mean
Love is not a “high” Love it not a “feel good” ideal Love is not cheap morality Love is “not answer to all”, not literally. Not a simple answer to all problems of the universe Love is indeed a feeling, though (Or rather it has a very specific feeling) And love is indeed an …
To Change Is The Only Thing Left
“The only thing that is constant is change” I often wonder about the hope for the hopeless Most of us have something to hope for But there are those man who don’t even have hope There’s nothing they hope for They are unhappy either way To those that have any hope — one …
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It
When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …
Shameless vs Shame-free
SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD. There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …
Self-control = CONTROL + SELF
Self-control = CONTROL + SELF We lose “self-control” because we either don’t have control — or don’t have power over our own selves CONTROL Control = having CONTROL over the SITUATION =not needing to rush it =not needing to get emotional about it =only CONTROLLING IT, as we desire =and only ENJOYING IT …