You say A and I say B You say that it’s A and NOT B I Say that it’s the opposite — it’s B and NOT A. A is wrong. B is right. You say it’s the opposite. I say you’re misinformed You say I’m biased I say you’re irrational You say I lack the …
Author: Janus
What Shall Society Give You?
I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …
There’s No Confidence, There’s No Humility — Only Action
It matters not what your ability is What matters is if you understand the extent of your ability, your competence, your knowledge “I know I know nothing” “All I want to know where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there” “To know what you know and what you do not know, that …
Resourcefulness vs Opportunism
There are infinitely many possibilities, there are infinitely many resources To be resourceful is to access those resources YES, there are infinitely many resources Not until EVERYTHING IS KNOWN — there will be NEW POSSIBILITIES This is not a naive promise of your heart’s desires This is merely stating of the fact that IF …
No Regrets: Part II: Enlightened “No Regrets”
Test is continued from Part I: No Regrets: 3 Levels of “No Regrets” …and I’m not saying it’s easy This is why it’s enlightened. For as long as you’re in the paradigm of LOSS AND GAIN, of investment and return — you can never FREE yourself from regrets Because obviously the full insight to …
No Regrets: Part I: 3 Levels of “No Regrets”
There are 3 levels of “no regrets”: The negative level: self-delusion. The positive level: freeing yourself from regrets and starting over The enlightened level: living every moment like it’s your last, living every moment as though your dead future self told you how to live. The negative “no regrets” is a sure way to …
Being Creative Means Actually CREATING
Being creative means CREATING. Creating means ACTUALLY CREATING REALITY. “Creative ideas” are only as creative as much they create reality, IMPACT reality. Yes, a purely theoretical idea CAN be powerfully creative. Even conceived just in theory — it can have practical implications — which will be immediately recognised by the world and …
Value and Forgetfulness
Data has value. Just like gold has value. Data is stored. Just like gold is stored. We retrieve the data from the store in order to access it’s value. Just like we retrieve the gold from our safe in order to sell it and cash out on it’s value. Now, If you had forgotten …
When “Too Good” Is Too Much
You can only comprehend so much elevation If it’s too good — it’s too alien And it’s too threatening There are some good reasons why “too good” should be viewed with scepticism: -What if it’s too good to be true? -What if you are being duped? -What if there’s a good reason why this …
Bet on The Self-Improving
Bet on The Self-Improving Bet on the self-improving But only on the TRULY self-improving In general people don’t change. Therefore you want people already FITTING, already SUITABLE, already PERFECT. Yes you can teach them a thing or two — but you can’t expect them to change. Therefore you want them already changed, already …