It’s not just “your business” It’s not just “your business” who you are and what you do It’s everyone else’s business (unless you’re living in the forest) Obviously you are responsible You are first responsible for “your business” But then there’s everyone else you affect, And then there’s how they affect you And that …
Author: Janus
Quotes Entail Misquoting…
Words entail misunderstandings Quotes entail misquoting one could rant forever about the limitations of the words, philosophically limitations of the words to describe, examine reality with wiser man did that before I see a more prosaic problem, in our prosaic everyday life. In our prosaic everyday life, we take sentences, quotes, words away …
Take The Moment As It Is —Make The Most Out Of It — Then Let Go Of It Entirely
Each moment is unique but also similar depending on what property you look From our narrow individual perspective — there’s a limited number of similar moments — and then we die in the grand scheme of things — there’s an infinite number of infinitely similar moments As an individual entity you are concerned with …
Say “Yes” Million Times and “NO” Billion Times
One is either moving and growing and elevating himself — or not The one whose not moving doesn’t truly care what happens to him and what he’s doing. He may say he cares but his actions speak otherwise. Let’s assume his actions reveal the truth of it The one who is moving and growing and …
I Learn From Morons HOW TO LEARN
I learn from morons how morons learn And since I’m a moron — I learn how I learn Because I am a moron there’s someone so much smarter than me that he makes me look like a complete moron he connects the dots 10 times faster and he remembers every dot and he sees …
You Don’t Have To Explain It
You don’t have to know how to say it You don’t have to know how to explain it You don’t even have to know how it works You don’t have to meet any of the above conditions in order to believe something Above conditions have nothing to do with believing Above conditions have nothing …
Life Gives You Exactly What You Need
Life gives you either exactly what you want, or NOT exactly what you want If it gives you NOT what you want — it forces you to YOURSELF take what you want That process of taking what you want, taking responsibility — is indeed the process of growing and evolving and elevating …
You Don’t Know Improvement (Unless You Improve Yourself)
You don’t know the “IMPROVEMENT” You think you know, but you don’t There’s not much you know BEFORE YOU TRIED IT, TESTED IT Few things are knowable a priori And the more complex the matter — the more testing it requires The greater the scale — the more testing it requires, And some matters …
Emotions are NOT Immature or Mature
Emotions are — and are not immature, or mature Emotions are Emotions are It’s a cause and effect reaction Something outside happened Something inside was triggered, poked at, released Emotion happened To dwell on it is immature, unwise This is only an effect — not the cause. You don’t dwell on the effect, …
Pleasure as Distraction, Pleasure as a Side-effect
Happiness is the default state of LIVING. Or it was the default state when you were born. But this and that happened — you recorded it in memory — and ever since it obscured this pristine, innate happiness. Pleasure is a side effect of LIVING. Living is doing things and moving — and pleasure …