There’s complaining There’s making changes There’s accepting There’s complaining = merely expressing dissatisfaction There’s making changes = taking responsibility and changing the dissatisfying There’s accepting = accepting the situation, whether changed or not changed Of course complaining is not accepting And of course complaining is not making changes But it can be confused …
Author: Janus
You Can’t Change Because You Can’t Own It Publicly
To change is to make changes You don’t make changes in a vacuum. The changes you make, the actions you take — are NOTICEABLE not invisible, not in a vacuum, not “secret” (your business-changes are visible in the business world, your social changes are visible in your social life, social circle, your community, …
Truth Is Confidence
Truth is confidence If you know the truth Then you KNOW To know is obviously to be confident And to know, actually know, is to know the truth therefore to know the truth is to be confident (If you know the sky is blue — you are CONFIDENT the sky is blue. If …
The World Knows
There is the ridiculous idea that one can hide the truth No The world KNOWS The world knows the truth The world doesn’t know all truth (all truth about all things) There’s much you don’t know and as much the world doesn’t know But there’s the truth you’re hiding Your little secret Your secret …
Happy For Others, Envious Of Others
You’re envious of others if you believe they gain and possess at the expense of you gaining and possessing You’re happy for others if you believe you gain when they gain Material resources Social Status, recognition Power Pleasure Happiness Life Health Self-acceptance Self-respect Love anything At any one of those matters you may …
That Which Doesn’t Solve Your Problem — Creates It
You have a problem You need a tool, a solution You solve the problem and discard the tool It’s dead weight It could even be used against you Once you have a problem you need solution If you don’t have a problem — then you don’t need solution If you solved your problem — …
The Burden of Leadership
In any organisation, 1-man or or 1-million-men — there must be a leader, and leaders Because in any organisation, in any activity — decisions must be made — and actions must be taken Leadership is a burden Why? Because ideally — no one would have to LEAD Ideally every decision would be obvious, and …
Measure Everything
“Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output.” How does one produce anything? One utilises resources time + energy + physical resources + tools + labour + knowledge + skills, etc To produce anything one has to manage resources To effectively produce something is to effectively …
Too Good To Be True
“It’s too good to be true” No, not necessarily There’s what you know is possible There’s what you know is not possible And there’s what you don’t know is possible That which you don’t know if it’s possible — that will elude your imagination You’ll say it’s “too good to be true”, or …
The Transformative Power of Sincerity and Plainness
Be sincere be plain be transparent be simple be honest be vulnerable be naive Make yourself known and obvious and transparent to the world, to those around you, to those you meet, to everyone you interact with Why? Because once you’re honest with the world — you can be honest with yourself Once you’re …