In life-living : you want to be NAIVE. You don’t want to be cynical. You don’t even want to be sceptical Of course you don’t want to be too naive. You don’t want to hit an absorbing barrier: you don’t want to die, you don’t want to go broke, you don’t want to damage your …
Author: Janus
Criticism as Betterment
There’s who you are, what you believe, what your goals and values are There’s what you do THIS is what matters Does it matter what someone else does? Only to the extent to which it overlaps with your own values and goals and actions There’s who you are, what you do… For as long …
Original vs Unoriginal
The point of originality is evolution It’s by definition original if it’s new To evolve one must go beyond Go beyond the known and old Go into the unknown, go into the wild — and return with something new Some new contribution Some new contribution But not just any contribution The point of …
Conspiracy Theories
conspiracy theories are obviously nonsense but not because they are right or wrong but because they are USELESS conspiracy theories is playing stupid useless mental games — taken to extreme conspiracy theories is distracting oneself from actually doing something, taking responsibility, and LIVING — taken to the extreme conspiracy theories is ignorance of actual …
“Positive” is Nothing but Will to Improve
There’s the situation. This situation has positive aspects and negative aspects. To improve it is to: -amplify the positive aspects -eliminate the negative aspects This is all there is to it. “Positive thinking”, Optimism, “Law of Attraction”… Give me a fucking break THERE’S THE SITUATION YOU AMPLIFY THE POSITIVES So of course you …
Go Harder Yet Go Softer (Blazing Fire, Calm Water)
Go harder Go softer What does it mean to go hard? We put many labels on it, “going hard” “being hard” “hard work” “be very motivated” why don’t you dispense with all those labels… …and just try… FOCUSING ON A SINGLE THING FOR A SINGLE FUCKING HOUR Get a timer — set it …
it’s not that all things entirely disappoint…
it’s not that all things entirely disappoint all things disappoint, but only after 5 seconds or 5 minutes or 5 days or 5 weeks but eventually they do make the most out of those 5 seconds or 5 minutes or 5 days or 5 weeks then move onto the next thing with no …
To Live a Long Life
To live a long life is to have undertaken a long journey To live a long life is to do things To do things is to do many different and new things Long life is obviously not a function of time All the time in the world may pass — and you never …
Perfection Vs Mediocrity
Perfection vs mediocrity is a false dichotomy Perfectionism and mediocrity are both confusion, both are failures of understanding Perfectionism is a delusion You held delusional, non-existing standard in your mind Then you delusionally claim to be moving towards it You’re not moving towards it. You’re moving nowhere. You’re not moving towards it because your …
The Direction Is Always Up
The direction is always up The direction is always up, for you, for me, for everyone that is the direction The direction is always up You want to go up You want the world to go up You want your brother to go up You want everything to go up The world gains …