Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Be Wrong Till The Day You Die


You fail.

Then you fail again. And again. And again.

You are wrong. Then you’re wrong again. You’re always wrong.


That’s what it means to be alive.

You fail. You’re wrong. And then you try again. Failure is an inexorable part of life, obviously. So is being wrong.


But they will tell you otherwise.

“You ought to do the right thing!”. Right thing is obviously not wrong, yes?

You ought to do the right thing. Be the righteous person. Pick up the right career. Marry the right person.

You are not told to do the wrong thing.

There’s the right way for everything.

There’s even the right fucking way to be wrong!!

They will tell you exactly how to fail to BE THE SUCCESS! (hint: fail as many times as possible as quickly as possible)

They are all wrong. So fucking wrong.



You don’t do things in order to succeed.

You don’t do things with any end in mind.

Because the end will never come.

There is only NOW.

The only way to succeed is to succeed now.

The only way to do things is to do them for their own SAKE.

Everything else – every “success”, every reward – do you really think those things change anything? Do you really think that any of those outside things actually changed the elementary condition of you being ALIVE, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW, and experiencing life, only ever RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW?

You don’t succeed in order to succeed.

You don’t fail so that you “learn from your failures”.

Forget all this nonsense.


And successes, and failures, come right with that. Utterly inevitably.


You don’t do this to be right or wrong. You don’t do this to succeed or fail. You do this because that’s what YOU do.

“YOU” is absolutely crucial here.

Because there is no other way.

It’s your life. And only you can figure this out.

Only you can make your decisions.

You can only live your life by yourself when you reject the entire legacy of humanity, the entire body of beliefs, customs and codes.

You must discard all that nonsense. You can’t accept it.

All that belongs to someone else. You must discard it now. Because you are you. Not them. Therefore – you must live yourself.


“You have nothing to show for all your talk!”

“You shouldn’t pretend to be so smart! You were wrong this time and that time and this time too!!”



This means you are so free from the prison of beliefs that you are now completely alone – you are the outsider. And it scares people.

You will be rejected.

But do not worry. There is plenty of love in this world. Remember that it’s beliefs that are alienating. In reality – you are the only one whose not alienating others.

You must be a rebel. A complete revolutionary. There is no other way.

Be “wrong” till the day you die. Try new, ridiculous things till the day you die. Listen to no one till the day you die. The only thing that matters is that you chose your own path. Path which is free from the burden of blind beliefs and arrogance of the falsely knowledgeable.

Tell them that you are OKAY with being wrong – and that you are wrong ONLY BECAUSE you WANT TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN WAY, WHETHER IT MAKES SENSE OR NOT.

There is no other way. But believe me – this one is rewarding. It’s the one way to be alive. It is scary and lonely. It sounds like nonsense. But truly – whose right? At the end, the only thing that matters is that you lived at your own terms.