Lifestyle Spirituality

Beautiful and Useful Objects

Beautiful and useful objects have high energy

Ugly and useless things have low energy


This is important because many objects around us are ugly and useless and therefore put us down

We are being sold ugly and useless shit all the time

It actually hinder us and stifles


This is important because if you like ugly objects and useless toys — it speaks of your own ugliness and uselessness


Obviously the best you can do with useless things is fuck all

Poor quality tools render at best poor quality — if not even damage

Why would someone own useless things if they wanted to do something useful?


Why would you own ugly things?

Why would you dress poorly?

Why would you choose ugly things to look at every day, which is your life?

Why would you make your life ugly?

Why would you even choose ugliness over beauty?

It doesn’t make any logical sense, if you merely look at it


See the only logical answer is that part of you resonates with that ugliness

Thus ugliness around you reveals your own ugliness

There’s nothing to despair about — it’s an opportunity to take a look within

We all had ugly things happen to us which rubbed off on us

Time to cleanse ourselves

Go for a walk or something

Go to an art museum

Go do something good to someone

Go listen to some bach

Go on put on a suit, pretentious as it sounds

But foremost — take a look at yourself and that part of you which grew so used to ugliness and uselessness

You don’t have to be this way

Think back of what made you view yourself this way, then let go of it


And stop tolerating this ugliness

Beauty alone could transform you

And stop tolerating this uselessness

Usefulness alone could transform you


Surround yourself with beauty and purpose