Lifestyle Spirituality

Fear; Away from Fear; Beyond Fear

I thought there were 3 standards of fear. 3 permutations.


One is the pure presence of the FEAR ITSELF.

It’s the fear unfiltered, fear present and real.

It’s the fear which just is, and we have not addressed it or treated it in any way… we haven’t labeled it, we haven’t repressed it, we haven’t succumbed to it… we have merely recognized it.


Second is the ESCAPE from fear.

The escape is our usual reaction.

Weather we quench our fear, weather we succumb to it, weather we attempt to overcome it, weather we try to rationalize it, each time we are ESCAPING from it, for, in our cunning ways, we refuse to truly face it, to truly accept it, to see it for what it is.. instead we try to make it something which it is not. We try to be fearless, we try to get rid of our fear, we try to numb ourselves to it, only, the fear is still there, it IS THERE, because we have NOT addressed it’s ROOT.


Then, there’s the third state.

It’s the utter disintegration of the fear.

The very miracle of it’s utter disintegration.

It is one which is not easy to grasp intellectually, and yet is it obvious when it occurs, it is obvious when it takes place.

There is this one special moment, one special moment of intimate contact with the fear, in which there can be no labeling, no denying, no repressing, for we are, for once, facing the FEAR, and it’s ROOT, in it’s ENTIRETY…

It is the moment when we TAKE ACTION.


Such action is not an action based of escaping or denying or overcoming… it is an action based of ACCEPTING, and it is an action of EMBRACING IT.

See, fear is basically existing ONLY in a context.

By attempting to change the fear, we are basically changing the context… hence the original fear, in the original context, it persists… and it is only consolidated, only hardened, by our efforts to get rid of it, by our efforts to escape it.


An it is in that moment, it is in that moment of full communion with the fear, that there is the utter disintegration, for it is then, that the fear has failed to take hold of us… it is then that it is proved redundant, and it is for once comprehended for what it actually is – JUST VOID

It is then, for once, that the mind recognizes that it itself has bred fear, that it itself has created it, from nothing.

But you cannot TELL your mind not to create this fear.

You can only show it what this fear really is.

And this can only happen in the state of utter communion with the fear.

And there is no communion with the fear without the action.


This is not a recipe to become fearless – for fearlessness is merely the absence of fear – which is death.

This is not a recipe to overcoming fear – for that is merely an escape.

This is just a simple truth about fear, which PERSISTS only when it is NOT FACED DIRECTLY. FACING fear is different then overcoming it, for facing it is accepting it and LIVING with it, whereas overcoming is trying to destroy it.

Facing fear is no magic bullet either. It is extremely arduous. You probably can’t face the entirety of your fears at once – they will take hold of you – and you will unconsciously reject, unconsciously suppress.

With that said – you can always bring the quality of awareness to your fears… and you can always break your massive fears down to it’s many subcomponents, and slowly comprehend each single one of them, and the entity they comprise.

You can face your fears slowly.

As a matter of fact – I recommend such exact approach.

When you try to be so VALIANT, you create an ideal, you are trying to become something, and this process of becoming alone hinders present comprehension, and this process of becoming only perpetuates the repression of fear.

When you try to be so VALIANT, you are also facing an entity which is FAR too large for you. It would take extremely awareness to comprehend the wholeness of the fear so large. You can’t obviate the entirety of your life’s fears in one moment. It is extremely difficult.



1) Recognize fear.

2) Do not label it, do not repress it, do not escape from it, do not try to destroy it.

3) Accept this fear.

4) Take ACTION directly IN THE CAUSE. Come in touch with your fear, it’s very root.

4)’ If needed, break it down, and slowly comprehend it’s many components, and eventually, it’s wholeness, to find freedom.