Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Beyond Like and Dislike


What is dislike?

Is dislike the opposite of like?


Isn’t like and dislike just labels?

Isn’t like and dislike a spectrum?

You like eating sandwiches but you prefer pizza. You don’t like eating tomatoes but you don’t like starving either. It’s all relative.

“Like” and “dislike” serve your description of the reality.


What exactly happens when you dislike something?

You dislike your job. You dislike your old car. You dislike your previous partner. You dislike your life.

It’s a kind of an affirmation, is it not?

“…you are this you are that…”

You affirm something about yourself, and the world.

“…this is bad that is good…”

All this labelling is a mean of self-perpetuation. Self-affirmation.


Now, some of us identify with what they like.

Those are actually those people we call “positive”. Positive thinking and all the rest of it. They think positive and thus seek positive. Then they enjoy that positive. It’s not a bad strategy.

Then, there are the people we call “negative”. They complain a lot. What you say is what you think, isn’t it? While you whine outside, you whine inside.

Does (positive/negative) thinking matter?

Quite a lot… but not so much. You still do what you do. Whether you consider it making your life better, or making your life less bad.

But the truth is — all this thinking, all this labelling — is missing the point.



Because you perpetuate yourself, yes?


Can you not live without yourself?

Does it have to be “good”? Does that have to be “bad”?

What happens when there is no like and dislike?

No positive and negative?

No positive thinking no optimism no pessimism and no fucking code either?

What happens?


Here’s what happens

NOTHING happens.

Id est:



no positive negative good bad evil sacred wrong correct…

There is only….love.

There is only LOVE.

Nothing more.


Which is full acceptance.

Full acceptance of what-is.

No petty “like” no “dislike”.

Just love.



You can view it as the ultimate reality,

or you can just try remembering the LOVE-experience,

…not your idea of it – mind you! -but the actual experience.

To remember it is to not experience it. It will be your memory. Not the love, actual.

But it will give you a sense of what exists beyond “like” and “dislike”.


Try it. It’s quite practical and not merely philosophical, or spiritual.

You will find yourself… loving.

You will be looking at things and experience this deep sense of contentment…

…I do not wish to spoil it for you with my words.

Simply stop passing judgement.

OBSERVE, without attachment.

Appreciate what you see, without remembering it, without recording…

This is how you find reality. Not in your clever words, not in your smart ideas. But simply in perception.