Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Boredom as the Enemy

There is not one Boredom. There are more Boredoms:

—There’s The Boredom of Stagnation, routine

—There’s The Boredom of Seeking to be entertained, seeking to be busy, seeking to be Distracted (from existence)

—There’s The Boredom which is a sign — sign that you’re bored

—There’s The Boredom which is a state — state of being bored


The Boredom of Stagnation is a sign that you’re dying.

It is boring because it is stagnant and lifeless and if it’s lifeless — it’s fucking DEAD

This state of boredom is DEATH

This sign of boredom is an invitation to live, to not die.


The Boredom of Seeking-to-be-distracted — entertained, busied, engaged — is a boredom of death-denial. Boredom of delusion.

You’re alive not because you busy yourself with fun and achievement. You’re alive because you dive into the unknown

We escape our own imminent death by busying ourselves and distracting and attempting to account to something

The moment of quiet, boring nothingness is the moment of truth.

It is the one moment you are naked before your insignificance, naked before your impermanence

It’s sick how we kill this boredom. It only makes us more bored, more dull.

Do nothing more often.

Don’t escape the nothingness. Don’t act on your urge to be distracted. Don’t distract yourself. Distraction is obviously denial of truth and numbing of the existence.

Embrace the state of being bored with existential stillness. You should soon understand that this stillness is more alive then the noisiest party, noisiest show



Don’t ever stagnate

Does not-stagnating imply frantic activity, wild pursuits, turmoil of ups and downs and ups and downs, chaos of confusion?


Not-stagnating is not-settling

Not-stagnating is not-believing

Not-stagnating is ever learning

Not-stagnating is never closing

Not-stagnating is ever moving


We can be as busy and as hectic as possible — and yet utterly stagnant and inert

We can busy ourselves with million nonsense things — yet none of those things are any different, none of those things are genuine, none of those things evoke any curiosity… none of those things are NEW

And when there is not THE NEW — there is languidness and stagnation and death

Don’t settle for that

Don’t let yourself be bored this way


People accept that kind of boredom

People settle

And people die

The turmoil of their unsettled lives brought them pain — but at least it made them alive

I would never encourage turmoil and suffering. You don’t need the turmoil. You can simply refuse to settle: neither settle, neither be in turmoil.

Many of us are so tired of turmoil they settle when they can

Then they seek out turmoil again to feel just a little bit more alive

It’s a terrible dichotomy of boredom and meaninglessness, then confusion and suffering and chaos and “hustle”, again.

You don’t have to be this way

You don’t have to be in pain to be alive

You don’t have to settle to know peace


All you have to do is DO SOMETHING NEW

All you have to do is DO THINGS, out of genuine curiosity, without attachment, without hope, only out of curiosity

This genuine engagement is where you find meaning, the only true meaning

You don’t need that turmoil. If you can be completely engaged, completely immersed — you don’t need to “push yourself” and what-not


Don’t live a “hard life”. Hard is not meaningful. Hard is just hard.

Don’t settle for boring life. Boring life is just death.

Live curiously and you stay curious. Your work stays curious. Your curious work in turn rouses your own curiosity.

Live this way.

Don’t settle for boredom nor suffer the turmoil

Just be alive

Cheerfully alive