Want the easiest trick in the fucking book?
Then tell them “THE TRUTH” !
look I wrote about the psychology behind it:
“The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True “
“What Really Happens When You Reject The Authority”
Your insight of something being “bullshit”, of something NOT adding up — is no fucking insight
Obviously we DON’T know everything
And your insight that AUTHORITIES are NOT infallible is NO fucking insight
OF COURSE they AREN’T. No one and nothing is
And your insight that WORLD is “CORRUPTED” is no fucking insight
Of course world is nothing but a CONFLICT of incentives
Anytime someone has a STRONGER INCENTIVE – strong than the one he publicly proclaims to follow — he will follow his ‘secret incentive’
Conspiracy is just a HIDDEN INCENTIVE
That’s all it is
An unanticipated incentive emerging — causing someone to follow a different course
It’s NOT coordinated — unless the incentive is so powerful so as to COORDINATE everything
…And that’s all there is to it
We live in a COMPLEX, COMPLEX world
We built systems and institutions and disciplines to understand and control it JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER
WEST does it just a little bit better than non-west, but you’re welcome to go to North Korea, Iran, Afganistan, Russia, you’re free to go
MODERNITY does it a little bit better than what preceded it, but you can go ahead fantasize about medieval chivalry
But MODERNITY and the WEST are just a little bit better than everything else
But NOWHERE NEAR good enough to be perfect
We just pretend it’s perfect
That’s the politicians job
That’s the CEO job
And that’s your job, pretending to have all the answers, because it’s so important to impress people who don’t give a fuck about you
So we live in the complex world, and do our best to deal with it, and make mistakes,
To NOT admit those mistakes is to stagnate, and then to regress
But to UNDERMINE the entire system, which BEST deals with all of it, is ALSO to regress. It’s to DESTROY what we so carefully built,
It’s NOT perfect
But PERHAPS you’re not so smart so as to make it perfect
And honestly
If you want to IMPROVE something,
First it would be helpful to know HOW THE FUCK it works, what are it’s advantages and disadvantages,
WHAT THE FUCK do YOU know about it?
What the fuck do you know about history?
What the fuck do you know about economy?
What the fuck do you know about philosophy?
What the fuck do you know about sociology?
What the fuck do you know about science?
Again, I wrote about the rare bread of chronic contrarians and critics
Idiots who believe that there’s some virtue in finding FAULT with everything, CRITICISING everything
And I wrote about IDIOT SCEPTICS. It’s easy to be a sceptic. It’s hard to make something useful
I haven’t written however about how ARSONISTS exploit that
I haven’t, for I guess I grew up in the times when institutions were SO STRONG — that no one thought about questioning them
And I would extol the virtues of REJECTING THE AUTHORITY, of DISAGREEING for the sake of disagreeing
And I still believe so. You need TWO GEARS. You need the CONTRARIAN, the NONCONFORMIST gear,
But you need also CONSENSUS GEAR,
Arsonists are very happy to destroy existing infrastructure, institutions, wisdom — to build a new world, their world
Destroy the world, but take bigger portion of it for themselves,
Leave the mess for someone else to clean up
And no, I’m not making ANY PARTICULAR political statement,
It’s a worldwide trend,
It’s left and right trend
It’s trend among capitalists and socialist
It’s trend among uneducated peasants and ivy league spoiled brats
Trend among progressive and trend among conservatives
Look, again, I wrote about it:
It’s ultimately quite simple,
If we can’t find a way to agree,
SOMEONE finds a way to FORCE US to agree,
Choose your poison
Democracy might be tyranny of the benighted masses — but at least it’s not a tyranny of a single autocratic, mentally-degenerating tyrant
Free market might be tyranny of the economically privileged and resourceful and talented and meritorious — but at least indeed it’s MERITORIOUS in net effect
And ultimately all I wanted to say here,
I just wanted to MARVEL at this TRICK,
Previously I thought this SICKNESS was one to which the above average men were most prone to — sickness of CONTRARIANISM and SCEPTICISM for the sake of contrarianism and scepticism
But now I see that anyone can be victim,
Just tell everyone that EVERYONE ELSE is lying
Just DESTROY all trust
Just make everyone DOUBT everything
Not doubt in a truly philosophically and scientifically sceptical way,
But just DOUBT everything for the sake of doubting
Doubt from the place NOT of creation — but paranoia
Doubt from the place of solipsistic arrogance, MADNESS really, and NOT from the place of collective knowledge creation
This is no way forward as the society
Just like individually it’s a dead end to doubt everything
It allows you to reject some of collective delusions at first,
But reject a little too much — and before you know it — you’re just another run of the mill MADMAN, explaining everything by aliens collaborating with illuminati, or Jews mind-washing the masses into consumerism through BAMBI and Disney movies
for fuck sake
wake the fuck up