
Branding Mentality

“Branding mentality” is insidious


We humans always like to delude ourselves in regards to WHO we are

And today this behaviour even has a name — it’s called “branding” — and it’s encouraged


There’s only WHO YOU ARE

Your job is to convey it

Anything but that is either deceptive or delusional or both

Branding and marketing stink, and will always stink

There’s only who you are, and effective communication


This “branding mentality” is what happens when the petty human ego meets greedy commercial incentives

You begin to view yourself as a commodity

It’s the worst of both world: your innate self-delusion and the incentive-fuelled filth of sales-mentality


Likely the entire phenomenon eludes your consciousness, like it eluded mine

I no longer tolerate it in me or in others

It’s silly at best and fraudulent at worst

“Branding” yourself, or anything, is a waste of time. You should be concerned with doing things, not “branding” things. It’s silly

And it only gets worse then, it’s a slippery slope — as you put a spin on it, then put a spin on that spin, until it’s nothing but nonsense marketing babble with not a single word of truth in it — a full SCAM operation.

(in my opinion that’s how most scammers became what they became — to their, and the world’s detriment)


Cut this nonsense already. It’s not benign. It’s a poison. It’s a trap.

It’s stupid at best and delusional and fraudulent at worst

World is confusing enough without you adding more nonsense to it