Lifestyle Philosophy

We Don’t Even Comprehend WHEN We Can’t Comprehend

We don’t know that we don’t know


That’s why beginners think they are experts (Dunning-Kruger effect).

They DON’T KNOW how much more there is to know — therefore they think they know ALL there is to know — therefore they think they are experts


But Dunning-Kruger effect is known, go read about it,

My point is that this principle holds even on a MICRO-SCALE


“More than half the supply of palladium and its congener platinum is used in catalytic converters, which convert as much as 90% of the harmful gases in automobile exhaust (hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide) into nontoxic substances (nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor). “

Depending on your background, you understood none of it, all of it, or some of it

Most likely you understood at least SOME of it

For sure you understood most words

Maybe you understand some of those concepts



Now here’s the problem,

EVEN if you didn’t understand 100% of it — you FILL THE GAPS

You fill the gaps you don’t understand

E.g. what the fuck is “catalytic converter”?

You probably don’t know

Does it completely preclude understanding of that sentence?


But do you TRULY understand this sentence?


And it’s ok

But the problem lies with the fact that you’re not profoundly aware, profoundly SERIOUS — about this INCOMPLETENESS of your understanding

The problem is that it’s reflexive to you to fill the gaps


Which I suppose is understandable

Navigating in this opaque world, NEVER transparent, never in the comfort of complete information — OF COURSE you fill the gaps all the time

And EVEN IF you could have ALL the knowledge under the sun — you still would lack processing power to be able to make use of it — to make the best decisions.

But you don’t have all the knowledge anyway

And foremost — most important decisions of your life — will not require extreme precision

What is most important?

Staying alive


That’s your biological imperative

Not particularly complicated in general (though we can overcomplicate it all we want)


So Dunning-Kruger effect is even deeper

It’s almost a PREREQUISITE to survive


To do what is necessary — DESPITE having no certainty in it’s success


And it also means you’re even MORE stupid than you thought

Being aware of the BIASES avails you little

You can’t even HEAR a single SENTENCE without RELAPSING to epistemic simplification



When it’s time to act — it’s time to ACT.

Meaning TRUTH is secondary — because action must be taken

And indeed OUTCOME of that action will reveal that truth,


When it’s time to INVESTIGATE THE TRUTH — then THE TRUTH is indeed the priority

Meaning you can’t afford your little biases

Including action bias

Including optimism bias, overconfidence effect

Including hasty generalisations

Including vagueness



When truth is concerned — you can’t NOT know ANY part (that can be known)

When you talk to someone — you can’t understand HALF of what they say. That’s not a conversation

When you read something — you can’t just understand half of the text. What if the other half is where the SUBSTANCE is?

When you study something — you can’t half-know. There’s only facts you know 100%, knowledge you know 100% — and the rest you JUST DON’T KNOW.

What I mean is — when you’re exploring body of KNOWLEDGE already created by your predecessors — there’s NOT YET any room for a facile dispute. That comes AFTER you know the FUNDAMENTALS. Right now it’s NOT subjective. Right now you study OBJECTIVE body of knowledge. EVEN if that knowledge itself is not complete and not infallible. But you don’t do away your ignorance by claiming to have “different ideas”, or “limits of knowledge”.



Act when it’s time to act

Whether you’re confident or not, actions must be taken, life must be lived, and then you die

But when you pursue truth — you LEARN all there is to LEARN

You “fill the gaps” when you TRULY can’t find the answers

But if you can — you DON’T fill the gaps

That’s just stupid, ignorant

Be aware of it

You may become far less stupid

Quite brilliant, to be honest

Perhaps the essence of deep thinking is merely ACTUALLY merely thinking in high-resolution, without filling the gaps with nonsense, needless oversimplifications

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