We love to DREAM about our brightest future!
Tomorrow everything will be different!
We love our dreams like we love ideals – we find tremendous security in theirs illusions.
You can not experience your dreams, you can not actually feel them… you only feel the smug satisfaction of being you, undeniably, you, with your little collection of silly hopes.
The truth is – you can’t even conceive the future.
The truth is – future can NOT be conceived.
All thought is based on the past.
All thought pertains to the past.
You can’t think about the future – it’s impossible!
The very process of thought is that of the past – rehashing it’s images, it’s very shadows.
Future, which is the unknown, cannot be conceived.
You thinking about the “future” is really you thinking about the PAST.
The implications are tremendous.
We think about the “future” ALL THE TIME.
The entire DREADED process of worrying, it is really merely looping the same filth of the past pains and troubles.
It is obviously as pointless as it is stupid. And just as unhealthy.
Then, there’s the whole world of PLANNING… we turned planning into science. Then it turned against us.
Plans are quite useful in the world of science, in the world of patterns, and in this whole dead world of achieving, of getting results, of meeting outside ENDS.
Psychologically, however, the notion of planning your life into the BETTER is as malicious as it is fallacious — you can NOT change your self, you can never change your real self… you can’t enhance “you”, you can’t enlarge “you”, you can only learn to understand it… live with it… live the entire process of life, in a state of blissful peace and acceptance of the truth.
Pondering one’s way in the unknown is the EPITOME of this very stupidity. How do you think about the UNKNOWN? How do you FIGURE OUT THE UNKNOWN? You can only think about the KNOWN – how do you want to think about the UNKNOWN?
Whilst above ruminations may seem vague — it’s actually almost ubiquitously common for EVERYONE to be DRIVEN by their collection of beliefs and preconceptions and doubts in regard of the unknown, when in reality, there is absolutely NOTHING to be UTTERED about the unknown, NOTHING to be UTTERED about the future… there is only immediate action to be taken. And this action is now… and it only flows into the “future”.
The very lesson, the very insight, really is that:
-thinking about the future is almost universally stupid – with thinking about the unknown being outright IMPOSSIBLE
-The only realistic attitude towards the unknown, which is life, is that of an ALERTED ACTION – one is active, one is alert, one is intelligent, and one is responsive
indeed, there’s almost NOTHING to be EVER said about the future – only action to be taken.
Our minds have far outgrown our hands. We are now nothing but talk – no ACT. Nothing but thoughts and ideas – no ACT.
You can’t meet the future with talk. You can’t meet the future with ideas.
You can only ACT upon it.
Act upon it once it’s here.