Philosophy World

You Can’t NOT Pick Side (And Can’t Avoid Conflict)

There’s knowable and there’s unknowable.

Then there’s whether you think it’s knowable or unknowable — whether you think it’s known or not known.

When you think it’s knowable and that you know it — you are confident — and confidently take a strong position.

But what do you do when it’s unknowable — and you have to take a position?


Much us unknowable.

And the more you learn and think the more you learn that some things are very unclear.

There are many issues where you find “experts” arguing for both sides. Arguing at a level far beyond your comprehension. While you presume to have an opinion…


Many of those issues are irrelevant, pure philosophy, pointless!

But many affect you every day.

-How to organise society

-How to deal with economy

-How to deal with hidden systemic risks

-How to be good, be moral, be just

-Choose what over something else. Sacrifice what




Many things are unknowable — and yet you HAVE TO take a position, make a decision, and ACT.

And options can be, and often are, mutually exclusive .

Therefore by taking one side — you are immediately conflicted with the other side.

IN SPITE of you picking that side only because the choice HAD TO BE MADE — and you yourself being perfectly aware that you JUST DON’T KNOW which PATH is better.

Therefore you are in conflict


It’s not difficult being in conflict if you think you’re right.

Your values, your common sense, your logic, your morality, even your god — are ALL on your side.

EVEN if you’re wrong.

It’s difficult being in conflict when you’re perfectly aware that you could be wrong.

And you will be in conflict.

Because there will be those who will think they KNOW,

Therefore they won’t possibly accept your agnostic decision, won’t accept that you consider it “unknowable”.

And it’s understandable. Of course they want to convince you of their right. If they believe it’s truly right — then why would they deprive you of that truth?


Therefore living life invariably IS a conflict

No, i don’t believe in an innately unavoidable conflict for resources, zero-sum games, position in a hierarchy, etc…

I do believe MOST perceived conflicts can be reconciled peacefully for all the sides involved. I do believe we can have different opinions — and still find room for cooperation. I do believe that my brother’s gain is my gain

But I don’t believe ALL conflicts can so be avoided

I do believe one will at some point of his life have to INEVITABLY choose side, choose direction — IN SPITE of NOT KNOWING — and in choosing so will invariably set himself up for conflict and criticism

As they say, it comes with territory


It comes with territory

As you act and solve higher and higher level problems — you eventually reach crossroads where your certainty is more and more diminished — and yet you have to choose

(this is also why it’s laughable when an average loser criticises someone, and in fucking theory (!), whose in a position absolutely utterly unknown to that very critic)

The art is to make that choice — confidently — yet without succumbing to self-delusion — without PRETENDING that one actually knew what he was doing — when he didn’t.

And then the art is to brace for the conflict which this imminently entails.

And stop pretending that we can all love each other and be so tolerant of each other


Yes, prepare for conflict

Prepare to disagree

Don’t seek conflict but be ready for it to find you

Be ready to make the hardest decision of choosing between two EQUALLY UNKNOWN, EQUALLY ATTRACTIVE, EQUALLY UNATTRACTIVE paths

Prepare to OWN your decision. As the conflict finds you, and as you realize that maybe you made a mistake. Maybe the other path was the way to go

Don’t forget then that it was indeed unknowable, AT THE MOMENT you made that choice

Obviously learn what you can learn.

But what’s unknowable is what’s unknowable

And the choices that must be made — MUST be MADE

And the choices have consequences