Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

You Can’t Seek Freedom Ambitiously

Why all this ambition?

You want to be something.

And you want something for yourself.

Hence you go on achieving and struggling and grappling.


Surely, all this effort, all this commitment, all those obligations, surely this all is very restricting, very confining.

You can’t realise all your many fixed goals without adhering to them, without committing yourself to their realisation.

You are an ambitious man and you have all those things to do.

Your life is the doing of things which you undertook in order to be something, in order to achieve a certain state, and now, this very doing of things is your own prison, this very doing of things if what took your own freedom.

You think this is all your choice but this was never your choice. It is not a choice if it is a response. You are responding to this greedy society, you are responding to all those ridiculous expectations for you, you are responding to whatever nonsense has been taken into your head.

Freedom can only be when you meet life anew.

The old will always inhibit freedom.

The old itself is opposite of freedom.

Freedom is where space is, and the old is ever confined.


You can’t seek freedom ambitiously.

This very ambition will corrupt your freedom.

You can achieve freedom-FROM-something in various ways. You can attain outside independence in various ways. But to truly be free, you have to be free INWARDLY.

And inward freedom is instantaneous. It doesn’t depend on any condition. It doesn’t depend on past or future. It couldn’t! If it depends on something, it is dependence, NOT freedom.


Can you understand this about money? Or attaining a skill?

You want money to be free to BUY STUFF.

You want to be free to break out from your dreaded day-job.

You want to be free to fly out into this world and see it’s divine beauty.

You want to be free to handle your life for yourself, handle people around you, handle things around you.

All this is some form of power, some form of volition, some form of control, and in this control, you acquire choice — and you call this choice freedom.

I do not discourage accumulation of money or power. There is nothing to discourage or encourage about the outer aspects of life – those just are. People will go on LIVING and life will go on.

You will have outside power if outside power is due. You will have freedom from this and that if freedom is due. I do not discourage the process which will put you in a certain outside position. You can’t avoid the process, like you can’t avoid life.

What matters is to understand that all your outside actions will only bring you outside ends.

And the entirety of life — it will continue as is — on the INSIDE, where YOU are.


DESIRE outside independence, outside freedom — and you shall never be truly FREE.

Let go of your ambition and greed, of your desire to become, to attain – and witness the remarkable miracle of this life — you ARE FREE and you were ALWAYS FREE.