Consciousness is intelligence is love Consciousness is intelligence. You are aware, you are cognizant, and you know just what to do. And when you are — then you can be loving You can be loving and caring and grateful and inspired When you are conscious — you can be loving Because when you are …
Category: Lifestyle
There are two modes: expansion and consolidation One is expansive and open and adventurous and MOVING Other is enclosing and retaining and protective and settling We obviously rely on both: acquiring resources — then retaining them. If you’re only acquiring and never retaining — than your work is futile. Water seeps through your hands. …
You Don’t Need That Negative Thought
You don’t need a negative thought If you see everything as it is — then that thought is redundant. In SEEING you already see WHAT something is GOOD for You see what something is good for, what someone is good for You see strengths, Does it mean you don’t see the weaknesses? Does it …
Ruthless Before The Ruthlessness of Existence
You do have to be ruthless Because the ending is ruthless, definite Impermanence is ruthless Once you truly understand just how ruthlessly everything will be taken away from you, this opportunity to live and create — you understand you must be ruthless in response The rules are clear: when the end comes — it’s the …
Play the PREDICTING Game
You come into this world and you live, You live, you act, you observe, You act and you observe your outcomes And you observe the world, And you learn You learn from observing the world and from observing the outcomes of your actions, Then you put those lessons to work, In repeat This is how …
How to Talk to Someone (Listen and Speak, ACTUALLY)
TALKING TO SOMEONE IS: -You LEARNING from me and/or me learning from you -YOU experiencing me and/or me experiencing you FUCK “listening”: You know whose the best “listener”? A fucking tree. The TRUE art of listening is UNDERSTANDING what other person is saying — and RELATING to it. RELATING which means COMMUNICATING your UNDERSTANDING …
About Success Advice
Avoid all “SUCCESS” advice, unless it’s: -extremely specific -or extremely broad what does it mean? Extremely specific means that it pertains to a very particular subject. Read a book “How to successfully change light bulb”. It will be a good book, with straight-forward process to achieve success at changing a light bulb. That’s better …
here’s the formula: o = outcome t = time r = resources = labour /capital / materials / etc. e = effectiveness o = e * r * t outcome = effectiveness * resources * time Your outcome is directly proportional to the resources you input, EFFECTIVENESS with which you do it, and time …
Play the Game of Life and Don’t Take It So Fucking Personally
You do things. You have problems. You do things and get results. You have problems and you work on them. You do things and get results, some are good results, some are less good; You have problems during your time on this planet: problems of existence, problem of daily-life, problems of wants and don’t-wants, …
Love = Value ; Value = Love
Obviously what you love is valuable. It’s valuable because you love it. It’s valuable to you because you love it. But then: Obviously if it’s valuable — you would love it. Obviously if it’s valuable, truly valuable, then it is meaningful. When you don’t love what you have — it’s because it is …