We live in a complex world. To navigate in a complex system you need a detailed map. To navigate in this complex world you need a detailed understanding. To get a detailed understanding — you should be LEARNING ALL THE TIME. I’m usually very critical of the professor, the theoretician, the bookworm, the egghead, …
Category: Lifestyle
Will To Change = Know The Price
One’s willingness to change is measured in how much one is willing to PAY, to GIVE (to make that change). The idea of “no excuses”, or conversely of “Excuses” — are both meaningless. They say absolutely nothing about how much you’re willing to pay “No excuses” is an outright lie. Are you willing to …
BOTH Optimistic And Pessimistic
I spoke against optimism in place of realism. I spoke against scepticism in place of possibility, which is just pessimism and defeatism. I spoke for philosophically fundamentally positive attitude to existence I also spoke for seeing more “negative” as your perception improves I want to once again stress it, if it’s not yet clear: …
Explaining vs Knowing
There’s explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge Explicit knowledge is knowledge which can be readily passed, written down, coded, recorder, verbalised, conveyed… Implicit knowledge is knowledge which is difficult to convey, difficult to teach, and often difficult even to be aware of (e.g. try writing instructions on how to WALK properly, as a human being, or …
You don’t do art to be creative You don’t dance to have fun You don’t joke to laugh You don’t seek thrills to get excited You don’t indulge to experience pleasure You don’t do things to be happy You don’t seek love You are creative therefore do things creatively (including art) You have fun …
Humans have many explicit AND IMPLICIT ways in which they communicate Likewise humans have different kinds of relationships (with closer relationships typically necessitating superior communication) The absolute fundamentals of communication are deeply wired: -you convey your feelings with your bearing -and others can feel how you feel -and human can always SENSE their place …
Noble Escapes Are Still Escapes
Consider what it truly means to “use something as an escape” To use something for a specific purpose is to NOT use it for a different purpose, E.g. you could use an axe to chop down a tree and build yourself a wooden house — or you could use an axe to chop someone’s fucking …
There’s energy and there’s resistance. There’s your physical energy. You can have more of it or less of it. We can argue all day about you being able to access more energy and do more, But there’s no denying the existence of physical energy One day you’ll have less of it, and eventually you’ll …
I like when I can’t predict what someone will say
I play the “predicting game“ That includes men I ask myself if I can predict what someone will say I like it when I can’t predict what someone will say Makes it interesting Makes me learn something I can’t predict what someone will say because it’s either: -nonsense -or I’m too stupid/ignorant …
You’re Doing The Stress Wrong
You’re doing the stress wrong Your muscles do the stress right: -muscle is stressed -it adapts (by growing and/or becoming stronger) -it is now more adapted to handle that stressor You make one of the two mistakes with how you work with stress: -you don’t stress yourself appropriately -or you don’t adapt …