It’s a cycle: -delusion, ignorance, denial -acceptance, pessimism, desperation -growth, enlightenment Examples? –Dunning-Kruger effect –Gartner’s hype cycle –Four stages of competence -and most people you know Let’s explain the cycle: DELUSION, IGNORANCE, DENIAL -Anything you’re not knowledgeable about, don’t have significant experience at — you’re basically ignorant about -Since you’re ignorant — …
Category: Philosophy
Ego is Stagnation
The moment you view yourself as more than no one is the moment you hindered your growth. Growing is trying and failing, Learning is not knowing, We think we understand this but we don’t. We “humble up” if necessary — until it becomes too threatening to humble up, Too threatening to our self-image. …
Failure Is Real, Success Is Real
Let’s define success as: *tangibly doing a little better at something specific*, let’s define failure as: *failing to do better whatsoever at something specific*, Success is not merely “doing better”. Anything can be defined as better or worse. You have to be specific. This is the trap of the “conventionally successful”. They think they …
Time Mastery
Time mastery is mastering the use of time. Mastering the use of time means getting the most out of the time that you are given. Getting the most out of time you are given requires two conditions: -Understanding the VALUE of time -Ability to manage the time-resource The value of time is equal …
Is World Competition or Cooperation?
You can compete or you can cooperate. You can look at the world and see competition — or you can look at the world and see cooperation. To see the world as competition is called “competitive frame”. To see the world as cooperation is called “collaborative frame”. The world can be competitive or the …
BEING is Continues (Change of Being is Never Instantaneous)
There is BEING, and it is continues. And then there is the irregular, fragmentary, changing, VOLATILE, unabiding, asymmetric, instantaneous, sudden… BEING is continues, it is not inconsistent and sudden and dramatic and volatile, If it was — than we would call it an “EVENT”, or a “STATE”, or a “MOMENT” — and NOT “BEING”. bear …
Quality vs Utility
There’s quality, and there’s impact, utility. The two are rarely synonymous. Quality is more of an ideal, idea, concept, Doesn’t mean it’s abstract, it could be real, tangible, But it is not necessarily scalable, Therefore utility is limited Therefore it’s impact is limited It’s immediate impact is limited. It’s long term impact could …
Competition Is A Lie
Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
What ENTITY Are You Dealing With Exactly?
There are entities. Entities comprise of entities. And entities comprise entities. An entity is different to entities it is comprised of. An entity is different to entity is comprises. Is it much different? Depends on scale. Depends on co-dependence. It can be very similar, It can be very dissimilar, Since entity comprising many …
A Professional Solves Problems Calmly and Quietly and Efficiently
There’s the problem and there’s the solution The problem is a tension which necessitates a release. The problem entails solution. Direct or indirect. Sometimes you eradicate the problem and sometimes you accept it. But a certain attitude must be arrived at Problem evokes motivation which results in pursuit of the solution. This motivation can come …