Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
Category: Philosophy
What ENTITY Are You Dealing With Exactly?
There are entities. Entities comprise of entities. And entities comprise entities. An entity is different to entities it is comprised of. An entity is different to entity is comprises. Is it much different? Depends on scale. Depends on co-dependence. It can be very similar, It can be very dissimilar, Since entity comprising many …
A Professional Solves Problems Calmly and Quietly and Efficiently
There’s the problem and there’s the solution The problem is a tension which necessitates a release. The problem entails solution. Direct or indirect. Sometimes you eradicate the problem and sometimes you accept it. But a certain attitude must be arrived at Problem evokes motivation which results in pursuit of the solution. This motivation can come …
Ignorance, Innocence, Evil, Cast a Stone
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone “ Most man are in no position to pose MORAL CONDEMNATION. This is because they are not themselves righteous. Doesn’t mean they are wicked. But they are not righteous. Because there is nothing righteous that they could ever do. This is …
Shame, Shameful, Sincerity
There’s the shameful. And there is shame. Shameful leads to shame. Unless someone is shameless — then it doesn’t. Likewise shame itself can arise without the shameful. And of course — shameful is not objective. Shameful is not objective but it obviously doesn’t mean it’s void. Society agrees on what it considers shameful. …
Unknown is a great word…
Unknown is a great word It means it’s not known It frees you from the delusion of thinking that you know Solve real world problems, Improve your real life every day, in real ways That is KNOWN, and KNOWABLE The rest is more or less unknown Enjoy it with fascination and an open …
Decisiveness and Judiciousness
-There are decisions to be made -There are informations -Then there’s the process -And finally your computing resources: brainpower and time You can rarely make a perfect decision. And when you can — usually you do it instantly (because you already have the problem solved) You can rarely make a perfect decision — but …
Thought Is NOT Consciousness
Thought is NOT consciousness. You don’t have to think it to be conscious of it. And thinking it doesn’t mean you’re even conscious of it. Thought is processing information: collecting it, and manipulating it NOT unlike computers, With the key similarity being that the data we operate on is never THE reality — it’s …
No Desire?
Desire is craving is compulsion is lack is dissatisfaction is suffering WILL is choice is consciousness is insight And joy is joy, and pleasure is pleasure DESIRE You are suffering therefore you desire You desire therefore you’re suffering It’s a circle Desiring brings you suffering, dissatisfaction And it distracts you from addressing true causes …
To Be Serious or Not So Serious
Don’t be serious: —not attributing excessive importance to something, and in so not wasting physical and intellectual and emotional energy, and resources too – and then failing anyway, missing the target anyway, because your hands were shaking —not being a prideful, arrogant, conceited, self-important cunt – with all the obvious baggage which comes with it: …