Lifestyle Philosophy

Step Back is Step Forward

That which you know you do wrong — that is easy. You know it’s wrong — you correct — case closed.   That which you don’t know you do wrong — that is hard. It’s hard because you don’t know it’s wrong therefore you don’t know what’s wrong therefore how the fuck do you correct …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Can’t Solve Delusion with Rationality

When you see an illusion – it doesn’t matter that you “rationally” know that it’s an illusion. You’re still seeing it. The problem is you seeing this illusion, NOT you being “rational” or not. Therefore the only solution is to see the reality, rather than illusion,   Likewise when you believe something — it doesn’t …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World


I can consider action or actions someone is taking as admirable, as productive, constructive, as professional, as good, as moral I can also consider them inferior to the actions someone else is taking, or I myself am taking I can view someone’s philosophy, someone’s approach, someone’s overarching plan — as productive, as constructive, as intelligent, …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Love Intensely vs Idealize Perversely

There’s reality and there’s illusion There’s the truth and there’s a lie There’s life and there’s fantasy   Anything you perceive of — becomes an image in your mind Now you have both the perceived — and the image of the perceived Therefore now it’s plural and not singular, therefore now you have a choice …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Life as a Candy Shop

Imagine you went to a candy shop. You only had 10 $, and there were 1000 different candies, each for a 1$, and each and every single one of them delicious,   Now imagine you went to a candy shop, You only had 10$, but there were only 5 different candies,   Now imagine you …

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Philosophy World

Have Values to Be Valued

There are INDIVIDUAL VALUES you DEVELOP by the virtue of LIVING YOUR LIFE, and living it AS AN INDIVIDUAL. Then there are VALUES YOU ABSORB from everywhere else: -values you’re born with (as an animal) -values you inherit from the society this type of “values” being persistently confused for personal values, and believed to have …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

No One Dies Perfect

No one dies perfect   Everyone wastes their potential   There’s absolutely no reason to believe that ANYTHING should EVER solve, should EVER improve, There’s every reason to believe that you will die, and you will die having failed to solve your problems, have failed to improve you   What follows is, A degree of …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Same Thing to Say (Truth)

Whether you love someone or hate someone or work with someone or work against someone — you have the same thing to say You have the same thing to say and in the same way, really   You have the same thing to say — the truth   In the same way — LOVING way …

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