Always be good to everyone, be default, and unconditionally The only exception is to be good to yourself first When you’ve to give — give When you’ve NOT to give — don’t give When you can discriminate — discriminate. Put your gifts in the right hands. Don’t throw your gifts away to be wasted …
Category: Philosophy
The Death of Trust
trust is dead your media failed you your authorities failed you your “science” failed you your politicians failed you even your perception failed you (nothing is what it seems!) once one would lack information, lived in ignorance, never presuming to know what he didn’t know then he would get information. the information started flowing …
Help Me And Doom Me
Help me by not helping me Give me what I want but not what I need Help yourself by helping me Don’t help yourself by not helping me You want to help yourself by helping me You don’t really want to help me — you just want to feel better about yourself You …
There’s Only Seeing
There’s only SEEING or NOT SEEING. Failure of logic is the failure of seeing There’s the reality — which is the way things are — and either you see it, or not. When you’re making a logical error — it’s either that you didn’t see how things truly work (“bad logic”), or you’re losing …
WHAT You Did, NOT How
There is no delusion more insidious than the delusion that HOW you did it is somehow more important then WHAT YOU DID, There is no delusion more insidious than the delusion that HOW you did it matters at all There’s only what you want to do — then DOING of it When you want …
If You Can’t Take Them With You — You Have To Abandon Them
Abandoning others is condemned Betraying others is condemned But what if it’s necessary? This has nothing to do with taking yourself up at the expense of others With the exception of you removing yourself from their lives, abandoning them Besides that — you’re not “using” them, you’re not getting one up on them You’re …
truth compounds
truth compounds, for the rest of your life you can’t grow a flower from a rotten seed if you attempt to grow wisdom from the untruth — you will only grow rot but if you grow wisdom from the truth — it will flower one seed will yield thousands of seeds from which …
doing the right thing feels god-like
doing the right thing feels god-like there is nothing better that one could ever do than THE RIGHT THING therefore doing the RIGHT thing is being the best, being the champion, the winner, it’s god-like the right-thing is not some nonsense you saw someone do or dreamed of the right-thing is by …
Deal-breakers are not irrelevant. Deal-breakers are deal-breakers If you ignore deal-breakers now — your deal will fail later — and with extra damage. Advantage and disadvantage don’t cancel each other out. Option with disadvantages obviously, invariably, inevitably, DOES HAVE disadvantages. Regardless of the advantages otherwise. Merit and fault don’t cancel each other …
To Change Is To Be A Traitor
To change is to be a traitor To change is to betray To change is to abandon the former and embrace the new To change is thus to betray the former The word betrayal implies the negative But what negative? Whose negative? What’s negative? The traitor? The betrayed? The idea? The ideology? The …