Knowledge is built of foundational bricks The bricks not always fit together neatly Sometimes the layout can be a little confused But the bricks exist And some bricks are more fundamental than others Some bricks are laid at the bottom, as uttermost foundations, supporting the rest of the edifice Some are laid right …
Category: Philosophy
Supply and Demand of Your Psyche
The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul? =The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no …
Nothing’s Free Yet You Received a Gift Yet You’re Entitled to SHIT
What’s the price of life? What’s the price of freedom? Life is not free Freedom is not free You’re not free to live as you please You’re not even necessarily free to live The world created you and the world might as well swallow you instantly You could have never been born …
Imitate Properly, Puppet
Since you’re a soulless puppet Why not be a happy puppet? We learn via imitation And lose our soul in the process Deal with it Since you’re an imitator anyway, At least do the imitation properly At least become conscious WHO you imitate WHAT you imitate WHY you imitate Make that choice consciously …
“Smart” People Also Jump On a Bandwagon
“Smart” people are as susceptible to bandwagon effect as stupid people (as susceptible to jump on a bandwagon) This is because bandwagon effect is not driven by lower cognitive abilities — but by desire to fit in, to find consensus Which is universally human Of course smart people have superior accuracy. Superior sense …
Individual is born fundamentally self-interested and rational Self-interest means interest means motivation. Motivation to benefit oneself. OPPORTUNITY is intrinsic to reality. If there is an idea, a desire, a WILL — then there exists an opportunity to realise that idea, from the essentially infinite realm of possible possibilities and unknown unknowns The above is …
Intelligence Is Inseparable From Action Is Inseparable From Will
Let’s define intelligence in terms of cause and tangible effect It doesn’t have to be perfect cause and effect The point is that we get an effect at the end — which can be measured — and which adheres to the previous intentions This would be intelligence Let’s NOT define intelligence as mere coherence …
To Judge or Not To Judge (#2)
I have previously written on the subject, from a more spiritual perspective: To Judge or Not To Judge Today I take on the subject more pragmatically and simply Judgement is innately divisive. You use some criterion to divide objects into different categories, including categories of desirability, value. Of course one would judge. The …
I Love Feeling Unwell
I love feeling unwell When you feel well — everything is well That’s why I recommend feeling well first — before making things well But when everything is well — you are deprived of a crucial information You are deprived of a crucial stressor You are deprived of a crucial challenge I …
Answer Disagreement with More, More, More Depth
There exist views and opinions and perspectives which are extremely repugnant to your views and opinions and perspectives and beliefs The default response is more conflict, more repudiation, more stubbornness The false adaptation is argumentum ad temperantiam — argument to moderation. Like all fallacies is distorts the reality in some way, by imposing it’s …