The END is NOT the END. (The end goal is not the real goal) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for what it ACCOMPLISHES. But the PROCESS is NOT the END either (It’s not about the journey either, not per se) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for …
Category: Philosophy
Genius Is Indeed Madness
There’s the regular and there’s the exceptional. There’s the normal and there’s the abnormal. Abnormal, which can be positively abnormal (genius) — or negatively abnormal (madness). With the normal being normal, regular, predictable, common, mediocre, and quite functional. Thus already the common denominator of both genius and madness is that both are abnormal, both …
If Both Sides Of The Argument Hate You
If both sides of the argument hate you, what does it mean? In a typical polarisation of views around a subjects, we could consider: -A set of beliefs that both sides agree with -A set of beliefs that only side A agrees with -A set of beliefs that only side B agrees with -A …
Investment, Return, and Opportunity Perception
Whether you like it or not — you are an investor. You invest your attention. You invest your time. And of course you invest your money — anytime you’re buying something One invests to get something in return So the point is obviously to get that thing in return indeed, And then it’s better …
When You Feel Love
There’s the lovely Which is the good, the beautiful, the uplifting, the worth living for… etc. The point is not to define it. Let’s just call it “LOVELY” You and I are only so capable of finding the LOVELY, and experiencing LOVE It’s for we are distracted, myopic, narrow-minded, egotic, and POISONED The poison …
Unless You’re Extraordinary — Why Should Anything But Ordinary Apply To You?
There’s the ordinary — and there’s the extraordinary. There’s ordinary men, taking ordinary actions, getting ordinary outcomes. And there’s extraordinary men, taking extraordinary actions, getting extraordinary outcomes. It anything wrong with that logic? Only one thing. It’s not set in stone, obviously. There’s the element of luck Quite a significant one. You can have …
What If The Shallow Appearance Is Actually The Essence?
We live in the age of con and fakeness We live in the age of sales, and more sales, and more sales We witness mere symbols supplant the real thing Small wonder we are so sceptical We become sceptical We don’t want a pretty appearance to fool us We want the value “If …
You Think You’re “Real”, You’re Not
You can think you’re real while actually being not real What does real even means? It would mean that you treasure and honour that which is real to you rather than to someone else That which you value rather than that which someone else values But what if you don’t even know what …
Human Flaws vs MIND-viruses
There are normal, ubiquitous, domesticated, elementary human flaws. And there are MIND-VIRUSES. Natural, normal humans flaws, are for instance: -laziness -lack of energy -desire -moods -carelessness -imperfection, fallibility -etc FLAWS are not even always flaws, really: Emotions have a purpose Desire obviously has a purpose Energy obviously is exhausted — then regenerated The …
Always take either FULL responsibility — or NONE. If something matters — you take responsibility. You personally make sure that it succeeds. Because you care, because it matters If something doesn’t matter, if something is not so important — then you don’t have to take responsibility You can dabble There’s nothing wrong with …