
Challenges, Strength, Confidence

At any given time of your life you face challenges   Challenge, of course, is only a challenge if it challenges you For some breathing is a challenge For others conquering the world is a challenge And for some breathing is not a challenge And for some conquering the world is NOT a challenge Challenge …

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Everything is Deep (Everything is Shallow)

Everything has infinite depth Or no depth   We call something “deep”, or call something “shallow” When in reality — it’s as deep as deep we are willing to put our heads Or as shallow as we need it to be   A spade is a spade, is it not? A spade is a spade …

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Philosophy World

SECRET Ruling Elite

POWER is. We seek to explain that which IS Especially if it’s as HOT an issue as POWER   Of course only so many things can be explained: -things which are visible -and simple enough to grasp by our limited mental compute   POWER is NOT so simple to grasp. It’s simple enough to see …

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Nothing has meaning without context. Everything is relative. If everything is dark than nothing is dark. Dark is only dark next to light.   Half of what we say is lost before we even said it Because we simply utter it in the wrong context   If you talk about dark in utter darkness — …

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Shameless vs Shame-free

SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD.   There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Self-control = CONTROL + SELF

Self-control = CONTROL + SELF We lose “self-control” because we either don’t have control — or don’t have power over our own selves   CONTROL Control = having CONTROL over the SITUATION =not needing to rush it =not needing to get emotional about it =only CONTROLLING IT, as we desire =and only ENJOYING IT   …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

What Improvement Actually Means

Every single thing around you could be improved (Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different)   Every single thing around you can be improved It requires intent, Then realisation of that intent, There is a degree of exertion There is a movement of resources There is a change …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Love Your Enemy

Love your enemy What does it mean? It means that everyone is, at least in part, LOVE-ly   Everyone is in part LOVE-LY, LOVE-ABLE In worst case scenario you merely say “no thanks” You walk away from them (Perhaps you run away from them) But that’s the worst case scenario — and it’s NEUTRAL It’s …

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Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective

There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc   Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …

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Labels Contributing Nuance (And Not Destroying Nuance)

Labels can be viewed as a layers in ontology It’s a way of organising data into categories Organisation of data yields insights Insights contribute nuance — rather than take away   Labels destroy nuance if you: -start with a label (rather than the data) -then pigeonhole the data into that label, that category -and you …

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