Pause Take a breath Pause whatever you’re doing — pause close your eyes and take a long breath or 2 or 10 or set a timer, a short MEDITATIVE INTERLUDE And the less you want to pause — the more VITAL it is that you pause Because chances are you don’t know where …
Category: Spirituality
Give The Truth (And How)
There’s what you think There are those around you There’s care you have for them There’s what you understand about them There’s what you don’t understand about them There’s what you don’t understand There’s what you want from them It’s all conflicted isn’t it? You believe one thing, They believe another thing, The truth …
“Wasting Time” , Part 2
apparently I wrote a substantially identical text: “Wasting Time” I suppose I repeat and contradict myself we have this ideal of not wasting time which is empty it is empty because we have no ideals no mission no purpose no sense of urgency not this clarity about the preciousness of existence so …
Action Cures All
Action cures all Action cures all It’s the only next step because only the action IS a step It’s the only response because thought and emotion are no response — just a reaction. It doesn’t answer the problem- it only reacts to it. Thus perpetuating it. Only action can solve your problems …
The Reality Is The Ideal
You can only comprehend so much elevation. Different reality is innately incomprehensible – by the virtue of it being different. This is axiomatic. “Better” reality is different reality. It is therefore incomprehensible. Since you fail to comprehend it as it is — you use symbols to represent it For your symbol to represent enhancement, …
It’s about that FIRE At the end it’s all about that fire It’s not what you do — it’s whether there’s that fire in that The relevance of WHAT YOU DO only concerns FUELLING that fire But once it burns — it just burns It consumes The relevance of WHAT YOU DO only …
Charisma and Energy and Life
Charisma is energy The more energy you have the more “charismatic” you are The more energy you have the more “attractive” you are This is because there is nothing more desirable than energy There is nothing more desirable than energy. To have energy is to be alive To not have energy is to …
You Will Compare Yourself
You will compare yourself How could you not? How else would you know how to solve your problems? You try to solve your problems — and not until you solved them — obviously you turn to those who did. You will compare yourself — like you’d compare two strategies, two solutions, two ideas. You will …
The World as Paradise and Great Disappointment
Is the world a great disappointment? Is the world paradise? I’ve seen pain and joy I’ve seen love and hatred I’ve seen confusion and clarity I’ve seen abundance and scarcity I’ve seen elevation and decay I’ve seen intelligence an ignorance I’ve seen darkness and light All of it is real How can you …
Bad Luck is Great
Bad luck is great It’s always nice to get lucky — but what came for free is what you didn’t learn to earn What you can get IN SPITE of bad luck — is what truly leaves a mark TREMENDOUSLY lot in life depends on luck If you disagree than you’re a fool and …