Philosophy Spirituality

Clear Perception

There’s what makes you feel right and what makes you feel wrong Then there’s what you consider to be advantageous to you and what you consider to be disadvantageous And then there’s everything else and everything in between   What makes you feel right, really right, really deeply right, is likely what is right, on …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Truth is Hard to Bear

There is no truth without the spine Only the strong can bear the weight of truth   This is because truth stands alone Therefore whoever bears it stands alone himself And to be alone requires the greatest strength   To be alone requires the greatest strength — because it’s difficult to survive alone It’s easier …

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Philosophy Spirituality World


You are what you’re revealing to the world. And what you’re revealing to the world is what you are.   Whatever urged you to present yourself the way you present yourself — is part of you. Your urge is part of you How you present yourself, what you reveal to the world — is part …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Gratitude and Broccoli

you are grateful when you’re eating steamed cauliflower with butter, and soft-boiled eggs, broccoli, you know, fresh bread, you name it, what you like   the point is that gratitude is simple and means no more no less but being GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE and it’s a natural state   it’s a natural state it’s …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

You Are Only What You Did TODAY

  The more we understand the more nuance we unravel. When we don’t understand then we tend to think very black-and-white, either-or; It’s understandable, since the first nuance we pick is INDIVIDUATION: how something is distinguished from other things. This creates the fundamental dichotomy between the THING discussed and everything else (that this thing is …

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