There’s what makes you feel right and what makes you feel wrong Then there’s what you consider to be advantageous to you and what you consider to be disadvantageous And then there’s everything else and everything in between What makes you feel right, really right, really deeply right, is likely what is right, on …
Category: Spirituality
How Could You Love Yourself If You Don’t Even Know Yourself?
how could you love yourself if you don’t even know yourself? how could you believe in yourself if you don’t even know yourself? how could you respect yourself if you don’t even know yourself? how could you improve yourself if you don’t even know yourself? how could you help yourself if you don’t even know …
Truth is Hard to Bear
There is no truth without the spine Only the strong can bear the weight of truth This is because truth stands alone Therefore whoever bears it stands alone himself And to be alone requires the greatest strength To be alone requires the greatest strength — because it’s difficult to survive alone It’s easier …
You are what you’re revealing to the world. And what you’re revealing to the world is what you are. Whatever urged you to present yourself the way you present yourself — is part of you. Your urge is part of you How you present yourself, what you reveal to the world — is part …
here’s the Truth, and I mean it when I say it, THE TRUTH: —EVERYONE IS INVARIABLY IGNORANT BUT THE REAL-WORLD DOERS —EVERYTHING WHICH IS NOT APPLIED IS NONSENSE —ONLY REAL WORLD ACTIONS MATTER There are infinitely many possibilities. A “possibility” is by definition logical. It’s a possibility. It “could” happen. Nothing’s illogical about it. …
Gratitude and Broccoli
you are grateful when you’re eating steamed cauliflower with butter, and soft-boiled eggs, broccoli, you know, fresh bread, you name it, what you like the point is that gratitude is simple and means no more no less but being GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE and it’s a natural state it’s a natural state it’s …
You Are Only What You Did TODAY
The more we understand the more nuance we unravel. When we don’t understand then we tend to think very black-and-white, either-or; It’s understandable, since the first nuance we pick is INDIVIDUATION: how something is distinguished from other things. This creates the fundamental dichotomy between the THING discussed and everything else (that this thing is …
The Paradox of Cluelessness and Individuality
You are obliviously born clueless. I don’t know how, but somehow over time you come to believe that you’re not so clueless; Now you have opinions and what not. Chances are you are still clueless. Chances are you’ll die clueless. And the worst part is — you have to make decisions and take actions — …
The Art Of Life-living Is Beyond Proofs
The art of life-living is beyond proofs I can’t prove to you that how I’m living is right You can’t get a proof from me that how I’m living is right The art of life-living is beyond proofs But you struggle and I struggle And you want to learn from me and I want …
The Meaning Of Punishment Is To Tighten The Feedback Loop
The meaning of punishment is not to “punish” those deserving of punishment That’s because life itself does the punishing for you The meaning of punishment is to tighten the feedback loop — so that you learn from your mistakes, before it’s too late Life itself does the punishing for you The killer sees knifes …