Your negativity is the world’s negativity. World’s negativity is your negativity. There is no separation – only negativity. Please, see it, when you are met with the negativity of others, or when you yourself are experiencing problems. See that your problem is the world’s problem… see that there is the entirety of humanity encountering …
Category: Spirituality
About Maturity
Maturity is a function of solving life problems It’s not maturity if you solve paper problems, or specific problems That’s why many man of science, art, many geniuses, are otherwise immature and one-dimensional It’s not maturity if you have “seen it all” either You must have “done it all” Anyone could have “seen …
Positive In Negative
You don’t want to be positive in a negative situation Being “positive” in a negative situation is just being delusional You want to use that negativity to exit the negative situation — THEN be positive If you do avoid negative outcomes and do create positive outcomes — there is EVERYTHING to be POSITIVE about, …
The PREDICAMENTS of “Wisdom”
There’s the existence. Existence which you were burdened with. Existence and the problems of existence. All problems are problems of existence. Your “petty” quotidian problems are still problems of existence (or rather, those are the real problems of existence) You solve problems, You solve problems and learn, You solve problems and learn and …
We Talk But Say Nothing
we say too much yet too little we don’t really convey ourselves yet we talk and talk and talk and react and react and react rather then BE and DO and then Be and DO with others and use words to facilitate that cooperation professional cooperation, romantic cooperation, societal cooperation, you name it use …
The Only Doing is Doing NEW Things
We think we’re “doing”, or “trying” Really we’re not You don’t understand Doing You watch what others call “doing” and call it “doing” They say work is “doing” and watching tv is “wasting time” They say effort is “doing” and relaxing is “slacking” They say activity is “doing” and laying around is “not doing” …
Art is Spiritual
Art is spiritual Art is “high vibration” Art is lofty but unpretentious Art is creative and creative is life Art is beautiful and art is meaningful Art is beautiful Beauty is spiritual Beauty is the mark of goodness Beauty is the mark of harmony Beauty is of the mark of peace Beauty is …
Accepting and Resigning
Accepting is but full comprehension of the situation. That involves comprehending what is possible within the situation, what is not possible, and what it not known to be possible. ”Resignation” is failure to comprehend the situation. It denotes failure to comprehend the possibilities within the situation, the actions which can be taken. It also …
Existential Distraction
politics ideologies global changes (macro) social challenges success stories predictions fucking weather celebrities anything that ever existed on social media news all of that is an existential distraction none of it matters at all none of it matters at all none of it matters next to the REAL problems the problems of existence …
WHAT CHANGES? does the world change? does your life change? does the reality change? does the human nature change? does the god change? what changes and what doesn’t? everything changes, but the whole everything changes in time, but the whole the whole is changeless everything else changes everything else changes but this is …