Philosophy Spirituality

Boast Is Insecurity

Boast is insecurity. Anything boastful that is not a neutral, pertinent statement of facts — is INSECURITY.   What does a boast communicate? Why does one boast? What is achieved? To boast, to promote = to communicate value of something. When do we communicate something in the first place? When it’s NOT OBVIOUS. Therefore it’s …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Your life = you. You = your life

Ultimately, how you feel about life is how you feel about yourself, and vice versa. Because whatever it is that you call “yourself” — is ultimately but a collection of your life experiences.   Unjust life creates unjust people. Tough life creates tough people. Loving world creates loving people. Boring life creates boring people. Comfortable …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Rigid vs Completely Ossified Minds

Most men are rigid. Most men eventually consolidate in their beliefs. The psyche wraps around those beliefs protectively. The entire machinery of schemas and biases makes it immensely difficult to penetrate. Don’t hope for an average person to change. People don’t change.   Most men are rigid. There’s little chance of them changing. There’s little …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Love Your Life and Revile Your Plans

The contrived notion is that you should hustle so hard that you hate your life, then critically look in the mirror and still not be satisfied “no pain no gain” , “tough love”, etc But that your wonderful future, and your wonderful purpose, and your wonderful drive make it all sweet! That you feel SO …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Energy Just Is: Find More Energy

Energy just is   Energy just is I don’t know how much energy is available to a single human. What if it’s unlimited? A single human could grab a lot of fucking solar panels and batteries and hoard fucking energy, Sun just is and it fucking soaks us in energy. What if it’s the same …

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