“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone “ Most man are in no position to pose MORAL CONDEMNATION. This is because they are not themselves righteous. Doesn’t mean they are wicked. But they are not righteous. Because there is nothing righteous that they could ever do. This is …
Category: Spirituality
Unknown is a great word…
Unknown is a great word It means it’s not known It frees you from the delusion of thinking that you know Solve real world problems, Improve your real life every day, in real ways That is KNOWN, and KNOWABLE The rest is more or less unknown Enjoy it with fascination and an open …
Thought Is NOT Consciousness
Thought is NOT consciousness. You don’t have to think it to be conscious of it. And thinking it doesn’t mean you’re even conscious of it. Thought is processing information: collecting it, and manipulating it NOT unlike computers, With the key similarity being that the data we operate on is never THE reality — it’s …
No Desire?
Desire is craving is compulsion is lack is dissatisfaction is suffering WILL is choice is consciousness is insight And joy is joy, and pleasure is pleasure DESIRE You are suffering therefore you desire You desire therefore you’re suffering It’s a circle Desiring brings you suffering, dissatisfaction And it distracts you from addressing true causes …
To Be Serious or Not So Serious
Don’t be serious: —not attributing excessive importance to something, and in so not wasting physical and intellectual and emotional energy, and resources too – and then failing anyway, missing the target anyway, because your hands were shaking —not being a prideful, arrogant, conceited, self-important cunt – with all the obvious baggage which comes with it: …
Can’t Solve Delusion with Rationality
When you see an illusion – it doesn’t matter that you “rationally” know that it’s an illusion. You’re still seeing it. The problem is you seeing this illusion, NOT you being “rational” or not. Therefore the only solution is to see the reality, rather than illusion, Likewise when you believe something — it doesn’t …
Life as a Candy Shop
Imagine you went to a candy shop. You only had 10 $, and there were 1000 different candies, each for a 1$, and each and every single one of them delicious, Now imagine you went to a candy shop, You only had 10$, but there were only 5 different candies, Now imagine you …
See More = See More Negatives = Be More Cautious (But Not Less Optimistic)
The more you see the more possibilities you see Great possibilities and terrifying possibilities The more you see the more you see: -what can go wrong -what can be done better -how little control you have -how complex the matters truly are I used the word “SEE” — because it’s so neutral SEEING …
Eradicate Illusionary Hierarchies
Practically — hierarchies help us organise ourselves in the society. They are a good thing. Spiritually — hierarchies are void. Void because you will die anyway. God doesn’t give a fuck about your place in some illusionary hierarchy. Your specific value does depend on your place in hierarchy. Your intrinsic value doesn’t. Equating your intrinsic …
Modes of Having
PAINFUL NOT-HAVING < HAVING = NOT NEEDING (not not-having, not needing) < NOT NEEDING and NOT HAVING and LOVING < NOT NEEDING and HAVING and LOVING PAINFUL NOT-HAVING When you NEED something and don’t have it — it is painful. If you truly need it — then it’s literally painful. It makes your life …