
The Real “Positive”

The higher your state the more energy you have   Struggle is exhausting Misery is exhausting Laziness is exhausting Procrastination is exhausting Problems are exhausting Stress is exhausting Anger is terribly fucking exhausting Sadness is exhausting Worrying is so, SO exhausting   There’s no time for this You only have so much time and so …

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As a politician admission of wrong is career suicide Which is precisely why the entire politics business is rotten to the core — Janus (@JanusFaustus) June 19, 2020

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adaptation is the true, original mark of fitness consider it an opportunity to finally prove fit – rather then move silly weights or prattle about evolutionary psychology and machiavelli — Janus (@JanusFaustus) March 27, 2020

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Cause and effect are more egalitarian then any political or social system — Janus (@JanusFaustus) March 16, 2020

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  I’m elevated not because I elevated myself but because I elevate myself   You’re lowly not because you’re low but because you don’t elevate yourself   The moment I ceased doing more would be the moment I would be like you — useless and lowly and miserable   The moment you did more would …

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Useless Intelligence

(High) intelligence is as good as useless when it is not used   The gift of intelligence is only half the equation. Intelligence must be deployed. And this is not so obvious.   Brain requires a lot of power. Intelligence is taxing. We are not wired to be more intelligent then is needed for our …

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Healing The Symptoms

Its not just that healing the symptoms is not healing the causes — but that healing symptoms precludes healing causes, by making the problem invisible Healing the symptoms doesn’t just fail to address the problem — it actually makes it worse Therefore you should altogether avoid addressing symptoms or numbing yourself or distracting Because then …

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Being discriminating is obviously a good quality — as long as one is correct. Therefore the problem of discrimination is really a problem of judgment .It is not a problem of attitude because attitude can be due and justified or biased and foolish. — Janus (@JanusFaustus) November 23, 2019

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