Philosophy Spirituality World

Criticism as Betterment

There’s who you are, what you believe, what your goals and values are There’s what you do THIS is what matters Does it matter what someone else does? Only to the extent to which it overlaps with your own values and goals and actions   There’s who you are, what you do… For as long …

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Philosophy World

Original vs Unoriginal

The point of originality is evolution It’s by definition original if it’s new   To evolve one must go beyond Go beyond the known and old Go into the unknown, go into the wild — and return with something new Some new contribution   Some new contribution But not just any contribution The point of …

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Lifestyle World

Conspiracy Theories

conspiracy theories are obviously nonsense but not because they are right or wrong but because they are USELESS   conspiracy theories is playing stupid useless mental games — taken to extreme conspiracy theories is distracting oneself from actually doing something, taking responsibility, and LIVING — taken to the extreme conspiracy theories is ignorance of actual …

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Philosophy Spirituality World

Money and Energy

Money is a form of energy With money you can move certain things, the way you not necessarily can without it   You can move a lot with money Physically and beyond You can put things in your hands, made things You can move you in space, quick You can nourish your belly You can …

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there’s nothing clever in “seeing through BS”

there’s nothing clever in “seeing through BS”, BS is BS in the first place — and it shouldn’t concern you, if you are serious   why are you even looking at BS? why are you looking at politicians and ideologies and priests and memes and movements and celebrities? if it’s BS indeed — why does …

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Philosophy Spirituality World

Confidence, Delusion, Reality

There is confidence There is delusion There is ignorance There is insecurity and doubt There is insight   There is true confidence, which is true There is false confidence, which is delusion When there is insight — there is also confidence, true confidence   Confidence Confidence is everything from the tiny situational confidence, to the …

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Lifestyle World

As Hard As Possible And No Harder

There’s as hard as you go There’s as hard as you think you can go There’s as hard as you can go There’s as hard as you could go And there’s as hard as it’s possible to go   To say “I can’t go any harder” is ignorant. Maybe you can To say “it’s impossible …

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Philosophy World

Debating is a Stupid Game

Debating is a game. Debating is not the pursuit of truth. You pursue truth by living life, taking action, taking risks, observing results, verifying your models, taking more action, taking more risks. This is how the truth is revealed to you. You live it and you pay for it.   Debating is not the pursuit …

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