WHAT CHANGES? does the world change? does your life change? does the reality change? does the human nature change? does the god change? what changes and what doesn’t? everything changes, but the whole everything changes in time, but the whole the whole is changeless everything else changes everything else changes but this is …
Category: World
The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True
I’ve noticed an uncommon but insidious trend: -one observes that society is oft wrong (already as a teenager, when mind is ripe, though callow) -one sets about finding his own truths -again and again one finds that societal paradigms are unfavourable to him, as an individual -one begins to generalise that society is “always wrong!” …
For Every Person That Agrees With You Find Someone Or Something That Doesn’t
-there’s what you know you don’t agree with -there’s what you know you agree with -there’s what you don’t know whether you agree with or disagree with if you have any tolerance for what you know you disagree with – you are wasting your precious time Plenty men waste their time We’re too …
There’s No “Being Vs Doing”
There’s this paradigm of “being vs doing”, in which, you become the person you want to be — rather then continuously pressure yourself to perform a certain way, continuously proving yourself, continuously exerting yourself There’s a place for this paradigm For instance: -you can establish good habits once — and benefit from them your entire …
Computer Is The Best Toy
Computer is the best toy It’s the most useful toy ever It’s the most useful thing ever Computer is so much fun You can do anything on a computer You can do anything on a computer Possibilities don’t end You can turn the world upside down, on a computer And not just …
You, The Horse
The most important bet you’ll ever make is on yourself You don’t control the stock market But you do control you Every day you bet on someone and something You bet on your boss to provide you with work You bet on the products you buy to provide you with adequate utility You …
Lock Yourself In The Forest
To NOT be fake — lock yourself in the forest You are under influence Influence is likely more powerful then you are Everywhere around you — you are bombarded with what you should WANT and what you should BE Consider everything you think you want — even though you have no idea …
Trust Nobody Online
should go without saying — but don’t trust nobody on the internet the irony is that it’s easier to trust the internet then your own eyes that’s because everything looks so good on the internet — and so shit in real life your cognitive biases are against you the whole internet industry is …
Sharing Vs Exchanging
When you have surfeit — you share When she has surfeit — she shares What you are lacking you receive What she is lacking she receives When we are lacking — we trade You have a little bit of “X” but you could have more Then again you have none of the “Y”, therefore …
say “I DON’T KNOW” when you DON’T KNOW
Owning up your mistakes Admitting what you DON’T KNOW is ALL there is to modesty everything else is false modesty therefore evil and repulsive don’t call yourself modest; that’s already immodest and false it’s you immodestly striving to this ideal of modesty stop trying to look modest and just be modest — by …