He did get lucky Otherwise he wouldn’t have made it Everyone is lucky, by definition Everyone is lucky, by definition, eventually. Those that made it were “lucky” — then took advantage of it Nothing is “earned” Everything is given And then it’s either accepted, or refused That’s all there is to life …
Category: World
Don’t Shout — Teach
Everyone has an opinion Everyone wants to shout Nobody wants to change Nobody is willing to teach It’s easy to mete out justice on social media Take selfies on a fancy demonstration Write stupid articles about what ought to be It’s a cheap meaning Cheap moral high ground Cheap truth Cheap sense …
Never Engage In Time-wasting Activities – Even If They Pay You For It
NEVER waste time NEVER waste ANY resources, ever Not even when they pay you for it We waste our time on entertainment creation of it and consumption We waste our resources on useless shit creation of it and consumption Then we ask where our life went, where our money went It’s no matter …
morality in movies is pop-morality morality in media is pop-morality morality in public discourse is pop-morality pop-morality is either a political ideology or some kind of amusement and self-indulgence or both real morality is how you treat others and how your actions affect others and when in doubt? then do what you …
System Enslaves No One
System doesn’t “enslave” you System doesn’t care I’ve never met someone psychologically free Free from wants and wishes Free from NEED, ever-burning need If you’re not that person — then the system is the least of your problems Systems doesn’t enslave you — YOU enslave you Take care of your compulsions before you …
Making People Look Bad
When you make people you associate with look bad, you make yourself look bad Don’t make people you associate with look bad Don’t associate with people who make you look bad See it works both ways If you associated with champions — you wouldn’t have this problem of making them look bad; They wouldn’t …
Blind Lead the Blind
Blind lead the blind You find it particularly outrageous “Blind shouldn’t lead the blind” Sounds dangerous But it happens Sighted lead the blind Is this the alternative? Is this so great? Sighted can lead the blind wherever he wants Sounds dangerous “But sighted cares for the blind” Maybe he does But he can’t …
If You Can Underperform Then You Can Overperform
If you can underperform then you can overperform To “underperform” means to perform lesser then expected Expected is the average Therefore there must also be “overperformance” to balance it out Why is this important? Because I’ve seen promising people produce very unpromising results And I’ve seen unpromising people produce very promising results To …
Shaming Is Not THE Problem
Shaming is not the problem — we are Discrimination is not the problem — we are Shaming is not the problem — organisation of society is Insecurity is Confusion is Discrimination is not the problem — good judgement is We are confused and insecure We want to organise our lives in the best …
The Fake Smile
The fake smile on your profile pic is the symbol of our times Look at the faces of your predecessors, painted in oil, beautiful, strong You don’t see them smiling like stupid fools No fake smiles on their faces They were never meant to look “friendly” Because there is nothing good about being …