Each level has it’s KINGS Each societal echelon chooses their own king (rulers) The choice is made by giving him attention There are men who like to talk about money and they have their king — some dude that talks to them about the money There are men who like to criticise everything, …
Category: World
Social Justice on Social Media
social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with social social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with virtue signalling social justice on social media has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with virtue signalling …
I Never Turn Off Ad Blocker
I never turn off ad blocker If you need money — sell me something yourself — or just ask for it Don’t make me even glimpse the vulgar trash some cunt wants me to need The need is the mother of suffering We don’t need more need — we need LESS need …
Crisis or Not – You Create Value – You Get Value
Crisis or not – you create value – you get value Literally one man with one innovation could double economy Sure we buy less garbage and we produce less garbage and we get less garbage What difference does it make? It’s garbage! What do you REALLY need? What you need you can …
Selling vs Creating Value
Selling innately incentivizes you to sell out, sell your soul, and sell useless shit in shiny packages Creating Value is simply creating value and therefore it’s nothing less then that The point of selling is selling You sell — you win You sell because the product, the service is great Or you sell because …
Success Is a Pleasure for the Successful
Success is a pleasure for the successful Success is pleasure to the successful and boring to the unsuccessful More boring then whatever barren activities they engage in Do you even enjoy doing successful stuff? It’s ok if you enjoy watching tv. It’s just not what warren buffet enjoys the most If success bores …
funny = intelligent + positive + confident
funny = intelligent + positive + confident Intelligence is humans first adaptive mechanism which caused us to conquer the earth It’s useful, and it’s tested (by evolution — therefore attractive) Positive means a good life means success Confident means in control and powerful This is why humour is so attractive, if …
The World Is Fair And Winners Are Cool
If you think the world is unfair — it will be. And it will fuck you in the ass If you think someone doesn’t deserve what he’s gotten — you won’t deserve it either. Entitlement is an illusion You can’t conceive what you deserve (Nor can you conceive what is possible) You can however …
Racism Is Merely Subset of Hate
Racism is merely subset of hate It’s irrelevant who you hate — the problem is with hate itself Anti-racism is silly because it only perpetuates the problem By hating on haters you become a hater All that is achieved is perpetuation of hate Therefore you have more racism and more discrimination and all that …
Criticising Your Neighbour
I begin to doubt the existence of such thing as VALID CRITICISM OF A PERSON You can only criticise ideas and attitudes I’m the last to avoid offending But when I see a fool I just see foolishness When I see a fraud I just see confusion When I see an evil-doer I just …