I begin to doubt the existence of such thing as VALID CRITICISM OF A PERSON You can only criticise ideas and attitudes I’m the last to avoid offending But when I see a fool I just see foolishness When I see a fraud I just see confusion When I see an evil-doer I just …
Category: World
You Are Thine Only Metric
You can’t know how well you’re doing, comparing yourself to the world Are you supposed to be working hard? Are you supposed to have a crazy life? Are you supposed to “make great things”? Are you supposed to be honourable and self-sacrificial? Are you supposed to shine like tits on your instagram feed? Are …
The Only Mindset You Should Need
the last mindset you should need for success: —you are pretty fucking good as you are and however bad you fail and compromise yourself (which unlikely you will) — you just DON’T CARE —you love your work and only do what you love and subsequently what you do you do to the absolute best of …
Good Deeds
Good deeds don’t make you good Protecting the planet doesn’t make you good Giving to charity doesn’t make you good Not eating animals doesn’t make you good Protecting the oppressed doesn’t make you good Goodness is not some stupid checklist Goodness is not some game Goodness is not scoring points Obviously I’d rather …
Thank You Corona for Less Sports, Panem Et Circenses and All That Fucking Stupid Nonsense
Sport is dumb You watch sports to kill your boredom You end up more tired, more lazy, more bored You hate yourself because you achieved nothing — you were watching sports You hate your life because it’s terribly fucking boring — you were only sitting in front of a tv I sometimes play a …
Mistakes Are the Real Résumé
Your failures are your real résumé The more the better A few big failures is a terrible résumé Many small and medium failures are a great résumé Means you’ve TRIED Likely you’ve learnt Anyone can replicate “success”, once or twice Anyone can pretend “success”, look success And yet there’s no success without failure If …
You Are Wired To Feel Contented When Things Are Simply Normal
You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal Happiness is not some great mystery It is the opposite — it is SIMPLICITY You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal When you’re not dying of starvation When you’re not freezing amidst the snowstorm, far away from your comfty …
Do Better Job
Virtually everything can be done better or faster or both If you do it faster you earn faster If you do it better you earn better We over-complicate this business business Money-making business Just do something useful Then do something more useful Or more of something useful, and quicker No job is …
Potential Is Void
the concept of potential is void because you only prove as much potential as you realize don’t think potential. think PREDICTION would you put your money on it? do you put your money on it? do you have skin in the game? unless you do — it’s void see that’s the …
Coronavirus Is Great
Coronavirus is great! We take our welfare for granted It’s all very comfortable and dull We get sick and we kill it with an anti-biotic We are in no danger, no big war in our precious western world, nothing to threaten our existence… Well not any more Coronavirus is here and you might …