Lifestyle World

We Need That Savoir-Vivre

You need rules and guides where your intelligence can’t manage As society we needed rules of conduct to merely bear each other   You don’t need rules of conduct and politeness if you know what you’re doing: if you know what you want, understand what others want, then move in the space of mutual interest …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Get Your Hands Dirty

Unless you get your hands dirty from time to time — you lose touch with the real life — and with it your perspective becomes narrow and artificial   Gratitude comes from appreciation. Appreciation comes from perspective. You obviously don’t appreciate what you take for granted. You need that perspective to, literally, put things in …

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Spirituality World

Pop Culture Reflects Us

Pop culture reflects us… and makes us, whether you’re “above it” or not Learn from your reflection of who you are   You’re not so different than the POP culture Maybe it reflects the worst of you or maybe worst of you reflects it There’s a link some of us are trying to deny   …

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Lifestyle World

Your Disdain

If “lower levels” provoke disgust in you, provoke bitter mockery or criticism — you are likely not much “higher”, and bearing elements of those yourself Your disdain for failure betrays your own insecurity Your derision of the system betrays your own fecklessness in life Your cynicism betrays your inertia Your arrogance betrays doubts about your …

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Lifestyle World

We’re Are Just Not Ready For Social Media

Yes, social media can be used positively or negatively Unfortunately it just happens that at the current level of our societal consciousness it is mostly used negatively.   Drugs are an easy and disproportionate way to make oneself happy. Temporarily Social media are the same. Social media don’t necessarily have to be used as a …

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Philosophy Spirituality World

Discriminate Not Hate

whether I hate you or love you whatever I label you or don’t label whether I offend you or please you doesn’t change the only thing of substance, and that’s: WHETHER you are USEFUL to me OR NOT   just because I don’t want to associate with you doesn’t mean I hate you just because …

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Philosophy World

Be Useful

Conditioned narrative has you ask a lot of questions and do a lot of strange things but it fails to point you at the single most crucial determinant of success: BEING USEFUL.   When you understand the simple necessity of USEFULNESS and obvious inevitability of the CAUSE AND EFFECT — everything makes sense Otherwise — …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Begone Foolish Past

Look back at everything you’ve seen in life and realize how EVERYONE has been WRONG so many times We have a certain strange reluctance to admit our own cluelessness and of those around us   There’s a whole lot of inane nonsense one is subjected to as a child, without having a choice on the …

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Philosophy World

Law Isn’t Law and Code Isn’t Code

  If you consider lawmakers as being beyond the law — illegal practices by politicians no longer sound strange or implausible or even unfair   Trust in law betrays incomplete understanding You can only trust the politicians (which is kind of a disturbing thought)   “Illegal” doesn’t mean illegal Law is man-made — and man-un-made. …

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Controversial But Real

Be as controversial as you can be but not 1% more then you actually are Controversy sells — as well as it makes you real, vulnerable human — but only as long as it’s real The moment it’s even 1% not real is when you forfeit all the respect

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