I’m grateful to people for failing me It’s very easy to fake competence and virtue and very hard to prove it. I’m glad when someone fails me and immediately signals his incompetence Takes a long time to ascertain someone’s ability but only one mistake to reveal inability.
Category: World
You Always Get What You Deserve
You always get what you deserve. In an infinite time scale the chance of you getting exactly what you deserve is precisely 100%. Getting-What-You-Deserve is a function of number of iterations. Sometimes you can increase the number of iterations — sometimes you have to rely on the time to do your bidding. If …
Pompousness is not just painfully turgid but it outright betrays incompetence, sentimentality and delusion. If it’s pompous and “inspiring” then it’s probably not very meaningful and intelligent. You probably want to avoid it. Energy spent on appearances and emotion is energy not spent on competence and not spent on what actually gets results …
I don’t care about your social stance
I don’t care about your social stance I care about your stance on existence Your stance on everyday life It’s best to have no social stance no stance on any subject don’t distract yourself with all that nonsense focus on living instead
sharing attributes ≠ sharing goals
sharing attributes ≠ sharing goals you share attributes with other individuals and you become a group of shared attributes e.g. plumbers, leftists, christians, capitalists, women, dogs, computer geeks this doesn’t necessitate you share goals as an individuals you have goals if you’re not an individual you don’t even have goals. You inherit goals. …
About The Video Games
Yes video games are addictive, rather unhealthy and kinda useless But so are most things, to some extent. Like with drugs — video games are not to blame — but misuse The same misuse we make of money and resources and sex and food Video games are no more useless then art, or fiction …
One Man’s Pain
If you believe that one man’s pleasure is another man’s pain then you are essentially condemning someone to pain Zero sum games are not even unproductive but destructive Competition is a waste of time and resources We need neither competition nor equal distribution You don’t have to be better then others, not …
Appereances Are Not Really Shallow
Appearances are not really shallow It’s your perception which is shallow Your perception is shallow and incomplete You don’t truly see the person, or the thing To make things worse — you see your own projections, your own mirages Your preconception about the person, about the thing, is the very definition of …
Plans Are Good When The Results Are Predictable
Plans are good when results are predictable Plans are adverse when results are unpredictable Most of us plan too much or too little or both We don’t understand what makes planning appropriate Most are unprofessional. Disorganised. Their chaotic actions reflect their ineptitude. Out of lack of sufficient challenge or ability — no discipline, …
Real World Outcomes
There’s the real world and there are ideas and theories. There’s engaging in actual actions in the real world — and there’s engaging in ideologies, in theoretical explorations and fantasies. If you are serious about the real-world outcomes — you want to engage in real-world actions, receive real-world feedback, and prepare real-world response. …