In a nihilistic society beauty is a natural token of value. We are truly reverting to picture writing. Beautiful faces in beautiful places are the representation of deliverance — an arrival at the paradise — the short-attention-span-XXI-century-divine-revelation. We crave god even more then we crave pleasure. Big tits don’t really promise indulgence. They …
Category: World
I Don’t Believe In Hard Work But I Do Believe In Love
I don’t believe in hard work but I do believe in love. “Hard” implies hardship. I don’t invite hardship to my short life. I don’t invite more hardship to this tormented world. And I definitely don’t believe HARDSHIP anyhow aids Creation. Love aids creation. Love brings life into this world, and love …
The Game Played
One needs to first recognise the game played. Most still play the ‘please-mom-please-dad’ game and ‘play-with-toys’ game. ‘Look-good’ game. ‘Stick-in’ game. Success is not as much about ‘secrets of the game’ as it is about the ‘basics of the game’. You just have to know what kind of game you’re playing. …
The Real Cause of Disagreement
The ultimate cause of disagreement is our unreadiness for agreement We don’t really want peace. We don’t really want consensus. What we want is to be LARGE. Larger then our neighbour, larger then our brother, larger then our lover. The absurdity of most conflicts doesn’t as much point at our stupidity as it …
Only You Can Validate Yourself
What is affirmed when you receive validation is that SOMEONE agrees with what you say So is it about them or is it about you? If you want to them to be happy and ‘right’ and all that — then be happy for them. If you want yourself to be happy WITH YOURSELF — then …
That Old, Boring Power
At the end this obsession with power just gets really fucking boring. Power is only exciting for those who don’t have it (and so is everything else you don’t have) Power is the coolest thing in the world for those caught up in their power-games — and the most ordinarily boring to those …
Struggle Sells
Struggle sells Appeal to hardship and struggle and it should be relatable and plausible (to the masses anyway) Struggle sells and you buy a conveniently convincing image of this conflicted, tough world — with struggle passing up as purpose and grand philosophy — really only concealing the escapism and consternation about the utter …
Social Media Chicanery
By approaching this social media and personal branding business with this trickster, slippery attitude — you are basically admitting that what you have to offer to this world cannot survive without you stepping over others with your disingenuous little tricks. Is this follow-4-follow business beneficial for the social media? Buying likes? Undiscriminating spamming? …
Life is exploration. World is exploration. Progress is exploration. Discovery is exploration. Exploration comes before discovery. Before result. Before achievement. Before benefits. Before reputation Exploration is salient philosophically, spiritually. Results are subjective. Their relevance is merely relative. Exploration is a way of living, a lifestyle, a life’s philosophy. Fixation with result ruins …
To Lead One Must Lead Himself First
Most “leaders” become more attached to their following then their following is to them. I never would have believed the extent of this had I not come on twitter. I thought certain personalities were immune to social pressure and influence. Resolute, ready to LEAD. I was wrong. The fewest were. The phenomena …