Philosophy World

SECRET Ruling Elite

POWER is. We seek to explain that which IS Especially if it’s as HOT an issue as POWER   Of course only so many things can be explained: -things which are visible -and simple enough to grasp by our limited mental compute   POWER is NOT so simple to grasp. It’s simple enough to see …

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Lifestyle World

You Whine And You Don’t Even Realise It

(I touched on the subject previously: Complaining vs Changing vs Accepting But it merits further exploration)   -There’s acceptance -There’s determination -And there’s whining   Whatever you say, whatever you think, whatever you do, whatever you feel, is a manifestation of one of those 3   Acceptance is calm Acceptance is understanding Acceptance is contented …

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Lifestyle World

You’re Not Ready for FREEDOM

FREEDOM is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT — you should get a REGULAR, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIST LIFE   What do I mean by such life? -Getting a job -Not rocking the boat -Not trying too hard to “find yourself” -Respecting your community, your family, your legacy, your culture -Being grateful and contributing -Being hard-working, diligent, useful and helpful   …

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Philosophy World

What Shall Society Give You?

I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them   Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …

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Philosophy World

Value and Forgetfulness

Data has value. Just like gold has value. Data is stored. Just like gold is stored. We retrieve the data from the store in order to access it’s value. Just like we retrieve the gold from our safe in order to sell it and cash out on it’s value.   Now, If you had forgotten …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Bet on The Self-Improving

Bet on The Self-Improving   Bet on the self-improving But only on the TRULY self-improving   In general people don’t change. Therefore you want people already FITTING, already SUITABLE, already PERFECT. Yes you can teach them a thing or two — but you can’t expect them to change. Therefore you want them already changed, already …

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Philosophy World

Creativity -> Business -> Art -> Consciousness

1. CREATIVITY is human prerogative 2. CREATIVITY is first practical — then transcendental 3. The practical value of creativity is solving practical problems. It’s as good as well it solves problems, as good as hard problems it solves 4. The transcendental value of creativity is how effectively it elevates consciousness, and how high   1. …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

BOTH Optimistic And Pessimistic

I spoke against optimism in place of realism. I spoke against scepticism in place of possibility, which is just pessimism and defeatism. I spoke for philosophically fundamentally positive attitude to existence I also spoke for seeing more “negative” as your perception improves   I want to once again stress it, if it’s not yet clear: …

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