Lifestyle Philosophy World

To Not Be Cynical in the Age of the Internet

EVERYTHING is on the internet today. You can see everything, learning everything. You don’t have to search for knowledge. knowledge finds you. You don’t have to search for experts. experts find you. The barrier of entry has been reduced to 0. Do you know what’s the last barrier of entry? Actually DOING something. Actually testing. …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Creativity Is Impossible to Replace

Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete   Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …

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Philosophy World

To Not Discriminate Is To Discriminate

To NOT discriminate is to DISCRIMINATE. More precisely: to NOT discriminate fairly — is to discriminate either randomly or unfairly Discriminating unfairly is obviously unfair. And discriminating randomly is more fair than discriminating unfairly — but less fair than discriminating fairly.   Let’s say you are an employee and you want a computer program written. …

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Lifestyle World

Play the PREDICTING Game

You come into this world and you live, You live, you act, you observe, You act and you observe your outcomes And you observe the world, And you learn You learn from observing the world and from observing the outcomes of your actions, Then you put those lessons to work, In repeat This is how …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

About Success Advice

Avoid all “SUCCESS” advice, unless it’s: -extremely specific -or extremely broad what does it mean?   Extremely specific means that it pertains to a very particular subject. Read a book “How to successfully change light bulb”. It will be a good book, with straight-forward process to achieve success at changing a light bulb. That’s better …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Love = Value ; Value = Love

Obviously what you love is valuable. It’s valuable because you love it. It’s valuable to you because you love it.   But then: Obviously if it’s valuable — you would love it. Obviously if it’s valuable, truly valuable, then it is meaningful.   When you don’t love what you have — it’s because it is …

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Lifestyle World

Own Idea of Success

There’s success And there’s “success”   What is success? I don’t know To me success is what you did today, and how conscious you were, and how ALIVE, but to you? I don’t know But i know what it is not   It is not what someone else tells you it is And it is …

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Philosophy World

Internet Tool Of Delusion And Enlightenment

Tools provide leverage Whatever you want to achieve — you will achieve better, faster, bigger — with a tool You can create more with a powerful tool You can destroy more with a powerful tool   INTERNET IS A TOOL Social media is a tool You can use it to benefit yourself and the world, …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

I’m a Classist

I’m a classist I think man of higher class are superior to man of lower class It’s not the property of belonging to a class which makes them superior — it’s belonging to a class which causes, or caused them to become superior, be superior I.e. belonging to higher class pushes, or pushed them to …

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