Philosophy Spirituality

Clear Perception

There’s what makes you feel right and what makes you feel wrong

Then there’s what you consider to be advantageous to you and what you consider to be disadvantageous

And then there’s everything else and everything in between


What makes you feel right, really right, really deeply right, is likely what is right, on a fundamental, humane level.

We lose touch with the deep wisdom of the body, but it’s there

the simple joys, the beauty, the blissfulness of nature, the harmony, the love, the peace, the creativity

It makes you happy

Stray too far from the natural path — and you should be unhappy


What you consider “advantageous” is what you learn to be advantageous to your goals

It is time-bound and not immediate and not really tangible

It is a process

It pertains to changes in time, rather then the changeless

If you know what you’re doing and where you’re going then you understand which signs are advantageous to your goals, and which are not

And an advantageous sign makes you happy

A disadvantageous sign makes you unhappy


The two paradigms of the “positive”, or the “negative”, become intertwined with each other

You feel actual negative emotion upon receiving intangible information, which you consider “negative” (not advantageous to your goals)

Or you consider a certain situation to be “negative”, because you have associated negative feelings with it, based on your past unpleasant experience

The “negative news” may not actually be negative — but in your epistemic arrogance, you are quick to judge them as negative — and in your emotionality, you are quick to experience them physically as negative

And a certain situation might not be anyhow negative, it may be “advantageous to your goals” — but your perception of it is clouded by your past negative experiences, and subsequent negative feelings, which are to this day alive


Thus we go about life labelling things left and right as good and bad,

What you call beautiful someone else will call ugly,

What you think is great news someone else thinks is terrible news,

What you love someone else hates,

And we go about life EXPERIENCING EMOTIONS,

What someone finds beautiful you feel is ugly,

What someone finds exhilarating you find terrifying,

What someone feels love for, you only feel hate

And so we go in this strange confusion

Our true emotions mingling with our false labels mingling with our objective rationale mingling with our past, learnt-emotions


Our true emotions mingling with our false labels mingling with our objective rationale mingling with our past, learnt-emotions

It all mingles together,

One moment you feel something but it’s only the past emotion, and not relevant,

One moment you think you’re thinking, but it’s just the process of your rationalisation and labelling, illusionarily conquering the world in your mind by illusionarily penetrating it with your illusionary understanding,

And the other moment you actually see things as they are — but you fail to be rational — because once emotion creeps in — it should pervert your final decision,

And other moment you actually feel something to be good for you — alas you won’t listen, because it’s at odds with what you want to believe the world to be,

It’s all a grand confusion


So how do we solve these problems?

How do you know what is true and what is but your fantasy?

How do you know which emotion is adequate and which is inappropriate?

How do you tell apart your intuition and your delusion, your bias?

By letting go


What does it mean to “let go”…?

The problem is psychological

The epistemic problem of KNOWING THINGS about the world is a different problem altogether. You utilise SCIENTIFIC METHOD for it.

Scientific method will still benefit you in bringing more rigour to your own life — but it is not yet enough to enlighten you.

But the problem we solve by “letting go”, it’s a psychological problem, a spiritual problem — and you can’t THINK your way out of it,

This problem is your psychological craving for homeostasis, for certainty, for permanence…

Thus, the problem is that you become ADDICTED to your labels, and ADDICTED to your emotions, and ADDICTED to your identity, and ADDICTED to your modus-operandi

And even worse still, those different models are at odds with one another,

Your learnt emotional attitude can be at odds with your philosophy, which in turn can be at odds with your intuition, and so it goes…

But the kernel of the problem is the same — it’s your inability to let go of those learnt believes which precludes the emergence of the TRUTH

Therefore you must let go


You don’t let go of what you know about the outside world, that which you truly know — there’s nothing to let go of about the earth circling the sun and night following a day and spring emerging after winter,

The problem is when you confuse the outside-knowing with the SELF-knowing, the self-knowledge,

THAT you have to let go, what you think you know about you,

And also: what you don’t even know that you KNOW about you,

You have to let go all of it,

All that you think you are,

Time and time again let go of it,

Let go of how you’re supposed to feel

Let go of how you’re supposed to think

Let go of what you’re supposed to do


until you’re free,

This is how you cleanse yourself


Only this is how you bring peace to those conflicts,

Your emotions go one way and your thoughts go another way,

Your thoughts one day go there other day go here,

One day you feel this other way you feel that,

It’s all confusion,

But you can bring peace to all that by LETTING IT ALL PASS, LETTING IT ALL GO,

by NOT trying to make sense of it all — but ABANDONING it altogether

go ahead and make sense of the outside world — but TRANSCEND the inner world


It is only then that a higher level truth can emerge, one that is not conflicted,

It’s then when your feelings and intuition and short-term strategies and long-term strategies — then they can align,

It’s when there is no friction, friction caused by some impediment buried deep in your subconscious

You must revisit all that — then get rid of it

Revisit every thought,

Every single silly little belief that once emerged in your consciousness — then laid foundation for every other of your beliefs’

Every single little emotion which was too powerful to process, too powerful to make sense of,

All that must be revisited — then cleansed

And then the new reality can emerge

And then clarity can emerge

And then you can trust BOTH your rationality, AND your intuition… rather then none of the two



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