
Commit To Objectivity


All fear is fear of death. All insecurity is fear of failure, failure to cope, which is death

We are all scared and we are all insecure. If we were too confident then we’d be jumping out of buildings, hoping we would fly

But we’re not only not jumping off buildings — we’re even scared to leave our house, through the fucking door, mind you.

We’re too fucking insecure.

We let this fear and insecurity skew our vision


I don’t have to explain that delusion doesn’t render the most optimal results

Your insecurity is your delusion

You must commit to being objective. Not merely objective when it’s obvious and straight-forward — but when your own psyche mechanisms all but lead you astray

You must commit to being objective. Which means obliterating delusion. Which means obliterating insecurity and fear.


This process is not glamorous. It is arduous. Slow.

It is not glorious. You do not conquer your fears like a valiant knight. Leave that nonsense to fairy tales

You only ever conquer fears by slowly, gradually EXPANDING your comfort zone. Challenging your fears. Challenging your sense of safety. Challenging your tolerance. Challenging the unknown.

The more you’ve seen the less you fear…the more you’ve known the less terrifies you… and ultimately — ultimately even the unknown doesn’t paralyze you — which is when you transgress even further — beyond your own desire to always feel in control — finally accepting your own laughable insignificance.


And you do not conquer delusion. You never conquer delusion

You will always have to remain faithful to the truth

You do not learn the truth and keep it. You discover the truth — moment to moment

You will never conquer delusion — which means you will always have to question yourself.

You must commit


You must commit

It’s a conscious choice

When you understand how you are not being objective — you can choose to be objective. Refuse to continue deluding yourself. Refuse giving in to the untrue. Refuse to tremble with fear or to poison yourself with dreams.

There really is no choice once you have peered behind the curtain